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By Neve. At Gallipoli When the Anzacs landed they landed on the wrong beach. On the beach there were steep high cliffs and the Turkish were at the top.

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Presentation on theme: "By Neve. At Gallipoli When the Anzacs landed they landed on the wrong beach. On the beach there were steep high cliffs and the Turkish were at the top."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Neve

2 At Gallipoli When the Anzacs landed they landed on the wrong beach. On the beach there were steep high cliffs and the Turkish were at the top of the cliffs firing down at the Anzacs. Some of the Anzacs dug trenches so they didn’t get shoat. After 8 mouths 8 weeks and 4 days the Anzacs new that they weren't going to win the battle so they set up a volleyball game so the Turkish thought they were just playing volleyball but they were slowly sneaking onto boats going. When the Anzacs landed they landed on the wrong beach. On the beach there were steep high cliffs and the Turkish were at the top of the cliffs firing down at the Anzacs. Some of the Anzacs dug trenches so they didn’t get shoat. After 8 mouths 8 weeks and 4 days the Anzacs new that they weren't going to win the battle so they set up a volleyball game so the Turkish thought they were just playing volleyball but they were slowly sneaking onto boats going.

3 In Flanders Fields In Flanders Field the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row That mark our place; and the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amidst the guns below We are the dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders Field Take up our quarrel with the foe; To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, through poppies grow In Flanders Field

4 Winston Churchill Winston Churchill had a plan, his plan was by December 1914, fighting in Europe was at a virtual standstill. Allied troops had stopped the Germans getting to Paris but were unable to push them backwards along the western front. Meanwhile, on the western front, harsh winter conditions meant that neither the Russian nor German armies fighting each other were making much headway. Churchill thought that capturing the capital of Turkey, would allow more supplies to reach Russian troops, giving them an advantage over the Germans. He also thought that a victory in the region would convince some of the Turkey’s neighbours to support the Allies. This would put added pressure on Germany, but to capture the allies they first had to take control of the Dardanelles. That’s why the Anzac’s were sent to Gallipoli. Winston Churchill had a plan, his plan was by December 1914, fighting in Europe was at a virtual standstill. Allied troops had stopped the Germans getting to Paris but were unable to push them backwards along the western front. Meanwhile, on the western front, harsh winter conditions meant that neither the Russian nor German armies fighting each other were making much headway. Churchill thought that capturing the capital of Turkey, would allow more supplies to reach Russian troops, giving them an advantage over the Germans. He also thought that a victory in the region would convince some of the Turkey’s neighbours to support the Allies. This would put added pressure on Germany, but to capture the allies they first had to take control of the Dardanelles. That’s why the Anzac’s were sent to Gallipoli.

5 The Anzac’s Leaving N.Z All the men that enlisted thought they were going for adventure. They thought they were sailing to Great Britain, Then to fight against the Germans in France. Manny of them were born in Britain and thought they had a chance to see all there family and old friends but little did they know that the war was going to be horrible. All the men that enlisted thought they were going for adventure. They thought they were sailing to Great Britain, Then to fight against the Germans in France. Manny of them were born in Britain and thought they had a chance to see all there family and old friends but little did they know that the war was going to be horrible.

6 Transport in 1914 In 1914 to transport to places they new had old fashioned cars, horses, horse and a cart, steam train, steam or coal engine boat. In 1914 to transport to places they new had old fashioned cars, horses, horse and a cart, steam train, steam or coal engine boat.

7 Communication in 1914 They used a telephone but they was no electricity, radios were often used but if they broke they used carrier pigeons instead, carrier pigeons were used to send messages to other soldiers in other areas of the trenches. They used a telephone but they was no electricity, radios were often used but if they broke they used carrier pigeons instead, carrier pigeons were used to send messages to other soldiers in other areas of the trenches.

8 Anzacs Training In Egypt The Anzacs went to train to be soldiers in Egypt for 8 mouths 8 weeks and 4 days before going to Gallipoli. The Anzacs went to train to be soldiers in Egypt for 8 mouths 8 weeks and 4 days before going to Gallipoli.

9 Famous Battles Chunk Bair Chunk Bair Lone Pine Lone Pine The Nek The Nek

10 Simpson And His Donkey Simpson’s real name is John Simpson Kirkpatrick. One of the first people to land on Gallipoli was Simpson. Once Simpson found a stray donkey and he thought a donkey might come in handy to carry the wounded or died on the donkeys back or to carry water to the people that are sick or wounded. Simpson’s real name is John Simpson Kirkpatrick. One of the first people to land on Gallipoli was Simpson. Once Simpson found a stray donkey and he thought a donkey might come in handy to carry the wounded or died on the donkeys back or to carry water to the people that are sick or wounded. Simpson would sing and whistle, seeming to ignore the deadly bullets flying through the air, while he tended to his comrades. Duffy became to be the donkeys name. Simpson would sing and whistle, seeming to ignore the deadly bullets flying through the air, while he tended to his comrades. Duffy became to be the donkeys name.

11 Uniforms in 1914 Here are some pictures of the Anzacs uniform. Here are some pictures of the Anzacs uniform.

12 Burying The Dead By the 24 May, 1915 they were to much dead so the Turks and Anzacs decided to call the area were most dead people were ‘no mans land’. The Anzacs and Turks decided that they had 1 day to clean the area and pick up there died friends. The Anzacs and Turks were standing right next to each other talk to the people that they were trying to kill. The next day the war carried on (they carried fighting). By the 24 May, 1915 they were to much dead so the Turks and Anzacs decided to call the area were most dead people were ‘no mans land’. The Anzacs and Turks decided that they had 1 day to clean the area and pick up there died friends. The Anzacs and Turks were standing right next to each other talk to the people that they were trying to kill. The next day the war carried on (they carried fighting).

13 Countries That Fought In War The country’s that fought in war were In our team Australia, Britain, France, Russia and New Zealand. In the other team Austria, Bulgaria, Germany and Hungry. Our teams flags New Zealand, Australia, France Russia Britain

14 Life In The Trenches In the trenches there were millions of rats, they would eat all of the human remains and they could grow the size of a cat. In the trenches there were millions of rats, they would eat all of the human remains and they could grow the size of a cat. Trench foot was were, in the trenches the soldiers feet rot from cold, wet and dirty conditions. Trench foot was were, in the trenches the soldiers feet rot from cold, wet and dirty conditions.

15 Life In The Trenches Death was all around the soldiers. The constant shell fire brought random death, whether victims were lounging in a trench or lying in a dugout. New soldiers were unaware of the importance to keep their head down when they were in the trenches. Many men died from a snipers accurate bullet. Disease also brought death to these soldiers. Death was all around the soldiers. The constant shell fire brought random death, whether victims were lounging in a trench or lying in a dugout. New soldiers were unaware of the importance to keep their head down when they were in the trenches. Many men died from a snipers accurate bullet. Disease also brought death to these soldiers.

16 Life In The Trenches Lice were a never ending problem, breeding in men's clothes and causing them to itch. Frogs, slugs and horned beetles were also found in the trenches and many men saved the heads so they didn’t get nits. Lice were a never ending problem, breeding in men's clothes and causing them to itch. Frogs, slugs and horned beetles were also found in the trenches and many men saved the heads so they didn’t get nits.

17 Housing And Buildings In 1914 Here are some pictures of buildings and houses in 1914... Here are some pictures of buildings and houses in 1914...

18 By Neve

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