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Presentation on theme: "Assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment

2 What is assessment? “The process of motor assessment aids in monitoring developmental changes, identifying developmental delays and providing insights into instructional strategies.” (Gallahue & Ozmun, 2006, p. 437).

3 Purposes of Assessment
Identify Diagnose Determine placement decision Develop IEP Develop instruction Determine support services Determine skills for community participation Evaluate student progress Grade determination Teacher performance Grouping of students

4 Legal mandates for determining the present level of performance
Due process

5 What variables should be assessed in APE?

6 Types of Assessment Formal Informal

7 On a piece of paper with your ID #, please translate the following statement:
“Un estilo de vida saludable es tu derecho.”

8 Components of Assessment for the IEP Process
Formal tests Parental Reports Observations in general environment Conversations with related service personnel, classroom teachers, and general physical educator Conversations with the student .

9 The Assessment Process
Screening Referral Parental permission to assess Formal assessment Determine strengths and weaknesses Make conclusions and recommendations Determine IEP goals with the IEP team, based on evaluation process Determine placement based on IEP goals Implement and monitor IEP, report regularly Revisit IEP yearly Reevaluate every 3 years ©2010, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

10 The Assessment Process
Referral For Assessment Parent/ Guardian permission to assess student Multifactored evaluation by trained personnel within 90 days Placement decisions based on assessment results

11 Authentic Assessment

12 Test Categories Normative-referenced Criterion-referenced

13 Test Selection Considerations

14 Test Standardization Given to a large group of persons under the same conditions Tests should be Valid Reliable Objective

15 Test Feasibility

16 Testing Guidelines Become familiar with the test Use ‘crib notes’
Well lighted, comfortable environment Carefully planned placement of equipment Midmorning or midafternoon (if possible) Establish rapport with the student Follow protocol of test .

17 Organizing Results .

18 Reporting Results Accentuate the positive about the student
Describe strengths and areas for improvement Report subtest scores and include a narrative describing how the student executed test items Include information from informal testing and conversations with the student, parent, general physical educator, and/or related service personnel Include conclusions and recommendations

19 Qualifying Criteria .

20 TGMD-2 (Ulrich, 2000) Purpose Description

21 Uses of the TGMD ID of children Program planning
Assess individual St. progress Evaluate PE program Research

22 Test administration Examiner Competency
What specific skills does the examiner need to possess to successfully administer this test? Time Requirements

23 Standardized Procedures
General Guidelines Standardized Procedures AKA ?

24 Scoring the TGMD-2 Standard scoring criteria

25 Test scores & interpretations
Raw scores – 48 possible points for each subtest Percentile rank Subtest standard scores

26 GMQ – What is the “gross motor quotient?”
Age equivalents (new, 2000)

27 Motor Assessments Peabody Developmental Motor Scales (PDMS-2) (2000)
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (Revised, 2006) Developmental Sequence of FMS Inventory Movement Assessment Battery for Children ETC.

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