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Presentation on theme: " INFSOM-RI-026753 WP1: Administrative and Technical Management Alberto Di Meglio Project Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 INFSOM-RI-026753 WP1: Administrative and Technical Management Alberto Di Meglio Project Manager

2 INFSOM-RI-026753 Content Team composition, recruitment statusTeam composition, recruitment status Goals and responsibilities (tasks, deliverables, milestones)Goals and responsibilities (tasks, deliverables, milestones) Work done so far and foreseen (status and plans)Work done so far and foreseen (status and plans) Risk assessmentRisk assessment

3 INFSOM-RI-026753 Team and recruitment status Team is composed of:Team is composed of: –Alberto Di Meglio (Project Manager) –Karin Burghauser (Project Assistant) –The partners’ administrative officers –Marc-Elian Begin (WP5 Leader) is the PM deputy Specific support on administrative issues is provided by CERN as needed (financial, legal support)Specific support on administrative issues is provided by CERN as needed (financial, legal support) The team is completeThe team is complete

4 INFSOM-RI-026753 WP1 Tasks WP1Project administrative and technical management A1.1Organize project meetings and logistics A1.2Establish and maintain the project management and information system A1.3Establish and maintain contractual relationships A1.4Prepare quarterly, yearly and final progress reports A1.5Prepare costs statements and transfer advance/interim payments A1.6Assess the project deliverables and conformance to requirements and objectives

5 INFSOM-RI-026753 Deliverables and Milestones D1.1 - Project Quality and Progress Monitoring PlanPM03 D1.2 - First year project reportPM12 D1.3 - Final project reportPM24 M1.1 - Kick-off meetingPM01 M1.2 - Project management information system established PM01 M1.3 - Successful completion of first year reviewPM13 M1.4 - Successful completion of project and final review/audit PM24 Deliverables Milestones

6 INFSOM-RI-026753 Status and Plans (I) The Kick-off meeting has been organizedThe Kick-off meeting has been organized The Project information and collaboration system is being deployed:The Project information and collaboration system is being deployed: –Mailing lists have been created in the CERN Simba system for “all project members”, the PMB and individual WPs and are being populated with the e-mail addresses –A document management system project has been created in EDMS and the basic internal structure and document types have been set up. Proper access rights have to be granted to the users –An agenda project has been created in Indico for managing meetings and conferences –A project portal has been created in Savannah for tracking bugs –Project resources and effort monitoring tools (timesheets) are being developed. We are investigating whether the same tools used by EGEE can be used (PPT), we will start with Excel spreadsheets

7 INFSOM-RI-026753 Status and Plans (II) The Project Management Plan that describes in details the organization of the project, the tools, the procedures is being written and will be released to the PMB for review at the end of January. This forms an integral part of the project Consortium AgreementThe Project Management Plan that describes in details the organization of the project, the tools, the procedures is being written and will be released to the PMB for review at the end of January. This forms an integral part of the project Consortium Agreement The Project Quality and Progress Monitoring Plan will follow shortly. The final version is due at the end of March.The Project Quality and Progress Monitoring Plan will follow shortly. The final version is due at the end of March. In collaboration with the other WPs a more detailed action plan with timelines and resource allocations has to be created, updated and tracked for the duration of the project.In collaboration with the other WPs a more detailed action plan with timelines and resource allocations has to be created, updated and tracked for the duration of the project.

8 INFSOM-RI-026753 Risks and Contingency Plans Risk 1: ETICS doesn’t deliver its service in time for EGEE or Diligent to use itRisk 1: ETICS doesn’t deliver its service in time for EGEE or Diligent to use it –EGEE and Diligent requirement and timelines must be checked and close collaboration with the responsible people established –A detailed implementation plan must be produced now in collaboration with the WPs –The project Quality and Progress Monitoring Plan must contain effective, practical means of assessing the project status and detect problems at early stages Risk 2: There are conflicts among the partnersRisk 2: There are conflicts among the partners –The Project Manager has the specific role of managing the conflicts and ensuring the success of the project. Close collaboration with the PMB is required. Goals and plans must be clear and agreed upfront

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