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Architecture of a Proactive Security Tool Vivek Ramachandran.

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Presentation on theme: "Architecture of a Proactive Security Tool Vivek Ramachandran."— Presentation transcript:

1 Architecture of a Proactive Security Tool Vivek Ramachandran

2 What does a proactive tool do? Tool makes dynamic decisions at runtime based on information collected from the network. “Sniff – decide – Inject” The tool logically is divided into 3 parts: The sniffer logic The injection logic The decision logic These three communicate via some IPC mechanism e.g. pipes, message queues, shared memory This is as cool a tool can get ! :D

3 Architecture of a Proactive Security Tool Main() InjectorSniffer Ethernet Interface Decide Action Create Sniffer threadCreate Injector thread Sniff packets Inject packets Send inputs Send output of decision (1) (3) (2) (4) (5)(6)

4 1.Create sniffer thread 2.Create injector thread 3.Sniff packets from the network 4.Send inputs to the decision module 5.Send output of decision to injector 6.Inject packets 7.Goto step 3: Architecture of a Proactive Security Tool

5 1.Create sniffer thread 2.Create injector thread 3.Sniff packets from the network 4.Send inputs to the decision module 5.Send output of decision to injector 6.Inject packets 7.Goto step 3: Architecture of a Proactive Security Tool Multi threaded programming

6 1.Create sniffer thread 2.Create injector thread 3.Sniff packets from the network 4.Send inputs to the decision module 5.Send output of decision to injector 6.Inject packets 7.Goto step 3: Architecture of a Proactive Security Tool Raw Sockets

7 1.Create sniffer thread 2.Create injector thread 3.Sniff packets from the network 4.Send inputs to the decision module 5.Send output of decision to injector 6.Inject packets 7.Goto step 3: Architecture of a Proactive Security Tool IPC – message queues

8 Multithreading basics Threads are light-weight processes –only local variables in a function are copied (e.g. each thread has its own stack) –most other data is shared between threads (e.g. global variables & the heap) –runs in parallel with the main thread pthreads is the POSIX threads standard pthread_create() is used to create a thread Takes a function to execute as input Takes an argument to pass to that function pthread_join() is used by the parent to wait for daughter threads to finish execution Visit for a comprehensive tutorial

9 IPC – Message Queue basics Message Queues are linked lists of messages maintained by the kernel Processes are allowed to read and write messages from and to a message queue if they have requisite permissions Allows for an asynchronous form of communication For a comprehensive yet easy to understand tutorial visit

10 msgget() to create a message queue Need to use ftok() to create the key msgsnd() to send message into a queue Message should be of format: struct message{ long mtype; // Mandatory char data[1]; … } msgrcv() to receive a message from the queue IPC – Message Queue basics

11 What tools will we make? GenericTool.c : A tool which articulates the architecture discussed in this ppt GenericTool-1.c: A modified version of the above to illustrate message transmission using message queues ArpDos: A tool to illustrate the working of the above architecture. It does a denial of service on the network by replying to every Arp request it sees on the network

12 Let the games begin !!

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