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Trees Kun-Mao Chao ( 趙坤茂 ) Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University, Taiwan

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Presentation on theme: "Trees Kun-Mao Chao ( 趙坤茂 ) Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University, Taiwan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Trees Kun-Mao Chao ( 趙坤茂 ) Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University, Taiwan E-mail: WWW:

2 2 About this course Course: Special topics on graph algorithms We will focus on those tree-related algorithmic problems. In particular, spanning trees … Spring semester, 2006 Tuesday 9:10 – 12:10, 107 CSIE Building. 3 credits Web site:

3 3 Coursework: Late midterm exam (45%) Oral presentation of selected topics or papers (35%) Homework and class participation (20%)

4 4 Outlines Counting spanning trees Minimum spanning trees Shortest-paths tree Minimum routing cost spanning trees Communication spanning trees Light approximate spanning trees Steiner minimal trees Trees and diameters Swap edges Tree splitting Other advanced topics

5 5 Our book on spanning trees Spanning Trees and Optimization Problems, by Bang Ye Wu and Kun-Mao Chao (2004), Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, USA.Spanning Trees and Optimization ProblemsBang Ye Wu Link to Amazon Link to CRC Press

6 B.Y. Wu and K.-M. Chao CRC press, 2004 S T O P !S panning T rees O ptimization P roblems & Spanning Trees and Optimization Problems It ’ s available now! Bang Ye’s ppt

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