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Asian Longhorned Beetle (ALB) What Can You Do? Asian Longhorned Beetle (ALB) What Can You Do? Image: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State.

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Presentation on theme: "Asian Longhorned Beetle (ALB) What Can You Do? Asian Longhorned Beetle (ALB) What Can You Do? Image: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asian Longhorned Beetle (ALB) What Can You Do? Asian Longhorned Beetle (ALB) What Can You Do? Image: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University

2 Keep Yourself Informed and Updated

3 ALB Hands-On Field Training Program Keep Yourself Informed and Updated Image: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University

4 Keep Yourself Informed and Updated Image: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University Attend training programs that provide non-biased, research based information

5 Keep Yourself Informed and Updated Image: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University Attend training programs that provide non-biased, research based information Example: ALB Eradication Program Compliance Training

6 Image: Julie Crook, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts." Daniel Patrick Moynihan A Guiding Principle

7 Be on the Lookout for ALB! Image: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University

8 ALB: Key Features Review Holes Pits Frass Bark Splitting Stem Breakage Beetles / Larvae Images: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University

9 REPORT: suspected ALB infestations Holes Pits Frass Bark Splitting Stem Breakage Beetles / Larvae Images: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University

10 REPORT: by using the ALB website

11 REPORT: by making a phone call Anywhere in the U.S.: 1-866-702-9938

12 Steps in the ALB Confirmation Process 1)Report a suspicious tree or beetle to one of the following:  Your state regulatory agency (university Extension may be helpful)  An ALB Eradication Program (if your state has an ALB infestation)  USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) 2)A regulatory officer will investigate (could be state or APHIS) 3)Trees are examined for exit holes, oviposition pits, beetles / larvae 4)If only holes are found, other trees are examined: the goal is to find beetles / larvae 5)Specimens are shipped to an ALB entomology specialist(s)  Beetles: positive ID by morphometric examination and DNA analysis  Larvae: positive ID by DNA analysis 6)A Public Announcement is Made = Official Confirmation Source: Personal Communication; Phillip M. Baldauf, PhD USDA APHIS PPQ Asian Longhorned Beetle Eradication Project Manager - Ohio

13 Steps in the ALB Confirmation Process 1)Report a suspicious tree or beetle to one of the following:  Your state regulatory agency (university Extension may be helpful)  An ALB Eradication Program (if your state has an ALB infestation)  USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Plant and Pest Quarantine (PPQ) 2)A regulatory officer will investigate (could be state or APHIS) 3)Trees are examined for exit holes, oviposition pits, beetles / larvae 4)If only holes are found, other trees are examined: the goal is to find beetles / larvae 5)Specimens are shipped to an ALB entomology specialist(s)  Beetles: positive ID by morphometric examination and DNA analysis  Larvae: positive ID by DNA analysis 6)A Public Announcement is Made = Official Confirmation Source: Personal Communication; Phillip M. Baldauf, PhD USDA APHIS PPQ Asian Longhorned Beetle Eradication Project Manager - Ohio Preserve Them: -Ethyl Alcohol -or Freeze in a Glass Jar Beetle and/or Larval Specimens are Critical for Confirmation!

14 Steps in the ALB Confirmation Process 1)Report a suspicious tree or beetle to one of the following:  Your state regulatory agency (university Extension may be helpful)  An ALB Eradication Program (if your state has an ALB infestation)  USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Plant and Pest Quarantine (PPQ) 2)A regulatory officer will investigate (could be state or APHIS) 3)Trees are examined for exit holes, oviposition pits, beetles / larvae 4)If only holes are found, other trees are examined: the goal is to find beetles / larvae 5)Specimens are shipped to an ALB entomology specialist(s)  Beetles: positive ID by morphometric examination and DNA analysis  Larvae: positive ID by DNA analysis 6)A Public Announcement is Made = Official Confirmation Source: Personal Communication; Phillip M. Baldauf, PhD USDA APHIS PPQ Asian Longhorned Beetle Eradication Project Manager - Ohio Wait for the Official Confirmation before you can make a public announcement!!! Don't Speculate!! REPORT: do this first!

15 Image: Art Wagner, USDA - APHIS, What is This Beetle? Citrus Longhorned Beetle (Anoplophora chinensis) No established infestations have been found in North America Why Following ALL of the ALB Confirmation Steps is Important

16 ALB in North America Relatively Small, Distinct Infestations As of January 2016 Graphic: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University [as of 2015] Early Detection – REPORTING INFESTATIONS – – REPORTING INFESTATIONS – is Essential ERADICATION HAS BEEN SUCCESSFUL!

17 REPORT suspected ALB infestations!

18 Image: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University

19 References 1)Antipin, J. and T. Dilley. 2004. Chicago vs. Asian Longhorn Beetle: A Portrait of Success. USDA Forest Service MP- 1593, 50 p. 2)Haack, R.A., F. Herard, J. Sun, and J.J. Turgeon. 2010. Managing Invasive Populations of Asian Longhorned Beetle and Citrus Longhorned Beetle: A Worldwide Perspective. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2010. 55:521–46 3)National Invasive Species Information Center, United States National Agricultural Library, shtml Image: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University

20 References 4)USDA APHIS Asian Longhorned Beetle Website: 5)USDA APHIS Final Environmental Impact Statement: oads/2015/alb-eradication-program-eis.pdf

21 Image: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University Authors Joe Boggs, corresponding author: Joe Boggs, corresponding author: Assistant Professor, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University Amy Stone Amy Stone Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University Nancy J. Taylor Nancy J. Taylor Program Director, C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic, Ohio State University Dr. Amanda Hodges Dr. Amanda Hodges Director, Doctor of Plant Medicine, University of Florida

22 Image: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University Reviewers Dr. Trevor Smith, Director, Division of Plant Industry, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Dr. Greg Hodges, Assistant Director, Division of Plant Industry, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Dr. Dan Herms, Professor, Department of Entomology, Ohio State University Rachel McCarthy, NPDN Training and Education Coordinator, Cornell University Rhonda Santos, APHIS Public Information Officer, USDA Dr. Jiri Hulcr, Assistant Professor, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida Dan Kenny, State Plant Regulatory Official, Ohio Department of Agriculture John Burch, State Plant Health Director, USDA-APHIS-PPQ Catherine Marzolf, Asst. State Plant Health Director, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

23 Image: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University Acknowledgements Funded by the 2014 USDA 10201 Farm Bill, cooperative agreements: 14-8329-1026 - 14-8329-1026 - Asian Longhorned Beetle Detection Education-Training Green Industry Professionals as First Detectors 4-8212-1025 - 14-8212-1025 - Asian Longhorned Beetle Detection Education-Training Green Industry Professionals as First Detectors Derived from the product of 2013 USDA 10201 Farm Bill cooperative agreement 13-8239-0987- Derived from the product of 2013 USDA 10201 Farm Bill cooperative agreement 13-8239-0987- Developing and Teaching Standardized Asian Longhorned Beetle (ALB) Early Detection Certification Training Programs The authors gratefully acknowledge the valuable input from the project’s reviewers.

24 Image: Joe Boggs, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University Publication Details This publication can be used for non-profit educational purposes only. This publication can be used for non-profit educational purposes only. Photographs, graphics, and other images contained in this publication are copyrighted as cited. Photographs, graphics, and other images contained in this publication are copyrighted as cited. Use of photographs and graphics for other purposes is prohibited without the express approval of the original source as cited. Use of photographs and graphics for other purposes is prohibited without the express approval of the original source as cited. Use of all other content for other purposes is prohibited without the express approval of the authors. All approved usages must include the proper citation of this publication's authors and the website. Use of all other content for other purposes is prohibited without the express approval of the authors. All approved usages must include the proper citation of this publication's authors and the website. Publication Date: January, 2016

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