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In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth …

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1 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth …

2 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth When The Judges Ruled Israel

3 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Jephthah’s Judgeship Judg 11:1-40  It is sad when someone is more known for a mistake than for any good accomplished  This is the story of Jephthah  His pedigree was used against him  His bravery was eventually desired, needed  It was his vow that we remember him most

4 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Jephthah’s Judgeship Judg 11:1-40  His description vv. 1-3  From Gilead…a valiant warrior…his father begat him through a harlot v. 1  His half-brothers refused to allow him a part of their father’s inheritance vv. 2-3a  He fled and settled in the land of Tob…he took up with reckless men v. 3b 9:4

5 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Jephthah’s Judgeship Judg 11:1-40  Ammon…the next oppressor v. 4  Half of the “vise” Israel was currently having to endure 10:7-9, 17-18  They had also assisted Moab during the days when Ehud judged Israel 3:13  Descendants through the incestuous actions of Lot’s younger daughter Gen 19:38

6 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Jephthah’s Judgeship Judg 11:1-40  His “change of fortune” vv. 5-11  Ammon began oppressing in Gilead 10:8  The elders sought for a leader v. 5 10:18  They sought the “qualified” Jephthah v. 6  He was leery, skeptical…he struck an accord to be their ruler if he succeeded vv. 7-11

7 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Jephthah’s Judgeship Judg 11:1-40  His initial diplomatic efforts vv. 12-27  He inquired why the Ammonite king sought a war against Israel v. 12  The Ammonite king said Israel had unlawfully taken land belonging to him v. 13  Jephthah’s 3-part response to this false accusation is noteworthy vv. 14-27

8 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Ê An Historical Argument vv. 14-22  When Moses led Israel out of Egypt, they sought “peaceful passage” through the lands of Edom & Moab…they were denied  By-passing these lands, Israel also asked to pass through the land of the Amorites  Sihon (Amorite king) also denied this request… he came out to Israel seeking war Jephthah’s 3-Part Diplomatic Response vv. 14-27

9 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Ê An Historical Argument vv. 14-22  Israel defended herself and defeated Sihon… she took possession of Amorite land  This is how Israel came to possess the land of the Amorites that was E of the Jordan River Num 20:14-21 21:21-26 Jephthah’s 3-Part Diplomatic Response vv. 14-27

10 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Ë A Theological Argument vv. 23-24  Jephthah also argued Israel had this land because it had been given to them by Jehovah  He questioned the Ammonite king re: his own land he possessed  No doubt he credited his land as a gift to him by his own god Chemosh Jephthah’s 3-Part Diplomatic Response vv. 14-27

11 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Ì A Precedent Argument vv. 25-26  Jephthah finally argued that not even Balak (Moabite king) claimed Israel’s land…surely he would have if Israel had obtained it unlawfully  He never tried to drive Israel out…he simply wanted them cursed Num 22:1-6  No Moabite king in the previous 300 years after Balak made a claim to the land, either Jephthah’s 3-Part Diplomatic Response vv. 14-27

12 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Jephthah’s Judgeship Judg 11:1-40  His initial diplomatic efforts vv. 12-27  He concluded he had not wronged Ammon  Instead, it was Ammon who had wronged Israel by coming out to fight for something that didn’t belong to them v. 27  The Ammonite king completely rejected Jephthah’s diplomacy v. 28

13 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Jephthah’s Judgeship Judg 11:1-40  His vow vv. 29-31  If God gave him victory over the Ammonites, he would offer up in a burnt offering the first thing emerging from his house to greet him  His victory vv. 32-33  He “greatly” slaughtered the Ammonites

14 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Jephthah’s Judgeship Judg 11:1-40  The tragedy of his vow vv. 34-40  When he arrived home, his daughter was first out of the house to greet him v. 34  She was his only child…he felt remorse re: a vow he could not take back v. 35  His daughter responded he should keep his vow v. 36

15 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Jephthah’s Judgeship Judg 11:1-40  The tragedy of his vow vv. 34-40  His daughter’s only request was to allow her 2 months to weep for her virginity v. 37  Two months later, Jephthah “…did to her according to the vow he had made” v. 39  This resulted in an annual custom for young women to observe v. 40

16 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Jephthah’s Vow Whether or not he actually offered his daughter as a burnt offering is a long-standing debate Arguments for both “Yes” & “No” are made Some have even been heard to say they are glad their eternal salvation doesn’t depend on having to decide this issue

17 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth YES Jephthah’s Vow  The text states “…he did to her according to the vow…”  Taken literally, he offered her up in the fire NO  Human sacrifices never had God’s approval Lev 18:21 20:2 Deut 12:31 18:10  If he offered her, God wouldn’t have been pleased

18 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth YES Jephthah’s Vow  The text states “…he did to her according to the vow…”  Taken literally, he offered her up in the fire NO  We see him listed in Heb 11:32 as a “faithful servant” (that doesn’t mean “sinless”)

19 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Jephthah’s Vow The Law did make provision for “rash vows” Lev 5:4-6 If one realized he could not keep such a vow, other arrangements could be made Do you think Jephthah’s vow could be considered “rash?”

20 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Jephthah’s Vow One thing is for certain… If Jephthah actually sacrificed his daughter as a burnt offering, he committed a great sin… God would not have been pleased –No vow should be kept if the keeping of that vow results in a greater sin than the breaking of that vow

21 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth …

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