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BUT THIS IS HOW WE HAVE ALWAYS DONE IT!!!!!! 1. Think about a recent change of significance in your school.  What was the most significant school change.

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Presentation on theme: "BUT THIS IS HOW WE HAVE ALWAYS DONE IT!!!!!! 1. Think about a recent change of significance in your school.  What was the most significant school change."— Presentation transcript:


2 Think about a recent change of significance in your school.  What was the most significant school change recently?  Where did the change start, from the central office, the school leadership, the faculty or some other source?  How successful was or has it been, and why did it succeed or fail or to what extent is now succeeding? 2

3 User System Environment ? 3

4  core/?gclid=CND70qvxgsYCFQiBaQodcYgAh Q core/?gclid=CND70qvxgsYCFQiBaQodcYgAh Q  YCE YCE  APgFU APgFU  “Common core was designed by state leaders and superintendents to assure that children in the participating states met the same math and English benchmarks from kindergarten through high school.” 4

5  As you think about your experiences, what have your learned about change?  What is one principle of change you would put forth?  Where do the most effective changes start? 5

6 FOCUS QUESTIONS  1. How are change and learning related?  2. What role is required of school leaders in the process of change?  3. Why are interventions so significant to the success of change efforts?  4. Can top- down mandates really work? 6

7 1. How is implementing change different when the impetus for change comes from the environment versus being initiated internally? 2. What characteristics of an organization and the environment make it more likely to successfully initiate change from inside? 7

8  Learning means you are adjusting to change. — Art Linkletter on the Larry King Show, July 20, 2002  Change means you are adjusting your learning. — Director of professional learning  We know from past experience that it is important to stay the course. It takes time to institutionalize new practices. — High school principal  After all this research on classrooms, the inescapable conclusion is that school-based leadership makes a big difference. — Assistant superintendent, urban district  When everything comes together right, change is an energizing and very satisfying experience. — Sales manager, a real estate company  Here we go again. You know how change is. It is like a pendulum, swinging back and forth. — Teacher, middle school history department 8

9 Change Principle 1: Change Is Learning— It’s as Simple and Complicated as That Change Principle 2: Change Is a Process, Not an Event Change Principle 3: The School Is the Primary Unit for Change Change Principle 4: Organizations Adopt Change— Individuals Implement Change Change Principle 5: Interventions Are Key to the Success of the Change Process 9

10 Change Principle 6: Appropriate Interventions Reduce Resistance to Change Change Principle 7: Administrator Leadership Is Essential to Long- Term Change Success Change Principle 8: Facilitating Change Is a Team Effort Change Principle 9: Mandates Can Work Change Principle 10: The Context Influences the Process of Learning and Change 10

11  What does the term ‘training’ mean to you?  Will it have the same connotation to everyone? defines training as:  train·ing--  –noun 1. the education, instruction, or discipline of a person or thing that is being trained: He's in training for the Olympics. 2. the status or condition of a person who has been trained: athletes in top training. –adjective 3. of, pertaining to, or used in or for training: a training manual. 4. intended for use during an introductory, learning, or transitional period: a training cup for weaning a baby; 11

12  Are ‘training’ and ‘educating’ synonyms?  Is what we do as teachers ‘training’? ◦ If yes, is that really what we should be doing? ◦ If no, what do you call what we are doing?  Given: in order to improve what we do in schools, we need to make change!  To make changes effective, teachers (and their leaders) must learn new things!  Is this ‘training’ or something else? 12

13  What are these things we often call ‘Workshops’?  When do we need them?  Change Principle 4 says that ‘organizations adopt’ change and ‘people implement’ change!  What has to be done to allow ‘people’ to implement the change?  In the schools setting, who are ‘the people’ who implement change? 13

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