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The Oceanic General Circulation. Regardless of hemisphere or ocean basin, there is an intense current on the western boundary.

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Presentation on theme: "The Oceanic General Circulation. Regardless of hemisphere or ocean basin, there is an intense current on the western boundary."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Oceanic General Circulation

2 Regardless of hemisphere or ocean basin, there is an intense current on the western boundary

3 Gulf stream

4 Subtropics

5 Wind-driven ocean circulation Key questions: –How does the wind drive upper ocean circulation? –How does the interior ocean respond? –Why is there a Gulf Stream?

6 Surface forcing: annual mean pattern

7 Upper ocean response to wind stress δ ~ 10-100 m

8 Wind-driven upwelling keeps the SST low at eastern boundaries

9 Equatorial Ekman upwelling keeps the SST low right along the equator

10 Pumping and suction in the upper ocean - Wind stress curl controls vertical motion

11 Global wind stress curl

12 The Taylor column model Interior ocean flow can be modeled as flow organized into rigid columns. Model properties: –Velocity vector cannot vary with depth –Column cannot get wider or tilt –Responds to Ekman pumping by expanding in length –Responds to Ekman suction by contracting Pumping at surface Column gets longer

13 Taylor column tank demo If there is no Ekman pumping or suction (as above), fluid columns must flow around obstacles

14 Taylor columns on a sphere Columns must stay parallel to Earth’s rotation axis (they cannot tilt) For spherical geometry, columns near the equator are longer Therefore, columns move equatorward as they stretch

15 Subtropical ocean gyres can be explained by Sverdrup theory 1)Wind-driven Ekman pumping pushes down the water column at the surface 2)Due to the spherical geometry, equatorward flow dominates the interior ocean 3)Return flow occurs at the western boundary, generating an intense northward flow

16 Why a western boundary current? Symmetric gyres are unstable on a rapidly rotating, spherical planet –One side of the gyre must have a stronger boundary current than the other The general sense of circulation must match the anticyclonic sense of driving wind stress

17 Antarctic Circumpolar Current

18 Vertical structure of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current

19 The Southern Ocean is the only place on Earth where deep water is directly upwelling from a depth of 2000 m to the surface

20 End of lecture Next week, we will continue to discuss ocean general circulation, focusing on the thermohaline (i.e. buoyancy-driven) circulation New homework set on T-square! Due next Friday (9/28)

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