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Alex T., Jacob F., Trudie H., Alicia P., Logan B..

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Presentation on theme: "Alex T., Jacob F., Trudie H., Alicia P., Logan B.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alex T., Jacob F., Trudie H., Alicia P., Logan B.


3 Engineer  The Timberhawk is a vertebrate.  It gives birth to live young.  It has super lungs to breath.  It has feathers to keep it from getting cold. And to catch prey and hide.  It has a spiked tail ( to protect themselves from predators).  It has wings to get away from predators.  It can give birth to as much as 9 baby's.  It has a stretchy bone (10 feet – 7 inch).

4 Psychologist The timberhawk The timberhawk is very social The timberhawk also digs holes for fun Warning does not like tanks

5 NUTRITIONIST!  The Timberhawk eats a wide rang of foods such as hippos, elephants, parry dogs,flowers and citrus.  It can speed down at 5 miles PR hour and catch a elephants or hippos and fly back up to its nest a 100 miles PR hour.  They are omnivores.  They are omnivores because if their is a situation that he has to eat plants it can. (But they prefers meat)

6 Environmentalist  They live in the grass lands of a Africa. o They live their because in Africa the are is a good splay of all the food they eat and their is mortems their.

7 FUN FACTS!  They can drill into the side of a mountain and make a nest.  They nest in mountains with their family  They give birth to live young  It has a stretchy back done so it can be really small and it can stretch it really big to tack long strides to catch it’s prey.  When they die ground animals eat them and if they don’t find them they disintegrate.

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