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(Rapid) Assessment Tools for Negotiation Support and Rewards for Environmental Services Brent Swallow, Vanessa Meadu and Thomas Yatich with the ASB Partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "(Rapid) Assessment Tools for Negotiation Support and Rewards for Environmental Services Brent Swallow, Vanessa Meadu and Thomas Yatich with the ASB Partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 (Rapid) Assessment Tools for Negotiation Support and Rewards for Environmental Services Brent Swallow, Vanessa Meadu and Thomas Yatich with the ASB Partnership and RUPES and TULSEA Projects in Southeast Asia World Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi, Kenya Katoomba Private Meeting, Morogoro, Tanzania September 18, 2008

2 Outline of presentation Quick introduction to the World Agroforestry Centre and ASB Tools for improved agroforestry systems, water harvesting and conservation agriculture Tools for negotiation support and rewards for environmental services

3 World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) Mission is to generate science-based knowledge about the diverse roles trees play in agricultural landscapes and to use its research to advance policies and practices to benefit the poor and the environment. Locations: Headquarters in Nairobi, Regional Teams in East Africa, Southern Africa, West and Central Africa, Amazon Basin, South Asia and Southeast Asia.

4 ASB Partnership for the Tropical Forest Margins Alternatives to Slash and Burn (ASB) began in 1994 ASB Partnership for the Tropical Forest Margins in 2006 Network of international and national organizations known for sound comparative studies across the margins of the humid tropical forests Global Coordination Unit at the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) in Nairobi and regional coordination for SE Asia, Africa and the Amazon

5 Tools for improved agroforestry systems, water harvesting and conservation agriculture quality germplasm that is appropriate to the local context management systems that integrate trees effectively into farming systems and agricultural landscapes water harvesting for domestic use and agriculture in water constrained areas of Africa and South Asia conservation agriculture in East and Southern Africa

6 Also: CDs for tree biodiversity assessment Map-based recommendations of suitable trees for anywhere in Kenya Tree Seed

7 SEARNET for Water Harvesting

8 Former RELMA for Conservation Agriculture (See Aichi)

9 TP Tomich ASB Matrix

10 Summary Matrix: Sumatra GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS AGRONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY b NATIONAL POLICYMAKERS’ CONCERNS SMALLHOLDERS CONCERNS / ADOPTABILITY BY SMALLHOLDERS LAND USE SYSTEMS Carbon storage BiodiversityPlot-level production sustainabilityPotential profitability c Labor require- ments Returns to Labor c Household food security d Abovegrou nd tC/ha (time- averaged) a Aboveground (plants) #species per standard plot Soil Structure Nutrient Export Crop Protection Returns to Land (private prices) $/ha Labor person- day/ha/yr $/ person- day (private prices) Entitlement Path (Operational Phase) Forest 306120000000na Community-based forest management 12010000050.2 to 0.44.77 $ + consumption Commercial logging 9490-0.5001080 e 310.78$ Rubber agroforest 799000-0.50.701111.67$ Rubber agroforest with clonal planting material 6660-0.5 8781502.25$ Oil palm 62250-0.501141084.74$ Upland rice/bush fallow 37450-0.5 -6215 to 251.47consumption Continuous cassava/imperata 215-0.5-0.56098 to 1041.78 $ + consumption

11 ASB opportunity cost of ER from avoided deforestation

12 Tools for negotiation support and rewards for environmental services ASB ADB: land use & environmental services in SEA 1994 2010 RUPES 1 RUPES 2 Ford & DfID grants PRESATULSEA

13 Trees in multi-use landscape in Southeast Asia (TUL-SEA): A negotiation support toolbox for integrated natural resource management


15 Participatory Landscape Analysis (PaLA)

16 Rapid Hydrological Appraisal for PES

17 Rapid Carbon Stock Appraisal Click

18 Carbon Stocks Monitoring Click

19 GENeric Model of RIVER Flow (GEN-RIVER)

20 Quick Biodiversity Survey (QBS)

21 Rapid Agro-Biodiversity Appraisal (RABA)

22 Rapid Landslide Mitigation Appraisal (RaLMA)

23 Tree-Tree interaction Model: the Spatially Explicit Individual-based Forest Simulator (SexI-FS)

24 Water Nutrient and Light Capture in Agroforestry Systems (WaNuLCAS)

25 Tree architecture and scaling rules: Functional Branch Analysis (FBA), above and belowground

26 Rapid Appraisal of Drivers of Land Use Change (DriLUC)

27 Participatory Analysis of Poverty, Livelihoods and Environment Dynamics (PAPOLD)

28 Other Tools… Fair & Efficient REDD Value Chains Allocation (FERVA) Rapid Market Appraisal (RMA) Rapid Land Tenure Assessment (RaTA) Forest, Agroforest, Low-value Landscape or Wasteland (FALLOW) Model

29 Visit our online library

30 Join the PRESA community!

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