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EOT Thrust linkages to ET/AT Thrust Areas Gregory Moses NPACI Executive Committee Meeting College Park, MD April 29, 1998.

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Presentation on theme: "EOT Thrust linkages to ET/AT Thrust Areas Gregory Moses NPACI Executive Committee Meeting College Park, MD April 29, 1998."— Presentation transcript:

1 EOT Thrust linkages to ET/AT Thrust Areas Gregory Moses NPACI Executive Committee Meeting College Park, MD April 29, 1998

2 Overarching Goal of NPACI EOT To develop human resources through innovative involvement in computational science and engineering (CS&E).

3 Four key focus areas Create a systemic impact on CS&E curricula. Increase participation and success of women and minorities in CS&E. Broaden the base of the nation’s HPCC human infrastructure. Provide for ongoing, external evaluation of our education/outreach efforts.

4 EOT Plan of Attack Work with exemplary programs. Scale to a national level using NPACI resources. Team with NCSA EOT to form EOT PACI. Build infrastructure

5 Funded NPACI EOT Activities UT-Austin - K-12 education SDSU - Undergraduate education Rice U. - Graduate education, W/M U. Wisc. - Evaluation, new communities UCSD - Women and minorities, coordination U. Mich. - Distance ed., new communities U. Virginia - New communities Proposed funding increment in year 2 devoted to linkages and scaling.

6 Linking EOT projects with ET/AT projects (proposal) Make linkages a req’ment of EOT funding. Build linkages into ET/AT thrusts. Establish EOT linkages at ET/AT thrust meetings. (EOT Coordinator.) First attempt to find linkages was made at the Jan 98 All-Hands meeting.

7 Timeline for Linkages March 98 Linkages are condition of award for EOT projects. April 98 Proposal to ET/AT thrusts at EXCOM. August 98 Plan for ET/AT thrust participation in EOT activity. Report on EOT thrust. October 98 Actions to secure linkages-identify people who work together and the outcomes of this.

8 Scaling to a National Level Women and minorities program at Rice U. Yr 2. Bring message to non-HPC communities. Yr. 2. Engage the NISE for meta-level analysis. Yr. 3. Prepare CSE Ed. Center for scaling. Yr 3. Prepare scaling of K-12 CS&E curriculum from TENET. Yr 3. Evaluate program, plan scaling, scale.

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