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NGO Sector South African National AIDS Council Inter-parliamentary Union 22 January 2009 Denise Hunt NGO representative – SANAC ED - The AIDS Consortium.

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Presentation on theme: "NGO Sector South African National AIDS Council Inter-parliamentary Union 22 January 2009 Denise Hunt NGO representative – SANAC ED - The AIDS Consortium."— Presentation transcript:

1 NGO Sector South African National AIDS Council Inter-parliamentary Union 22 January 2009 Denise Hunt NGO representative – SANAC ED - The AIDS Consortium

2 Goal: Facilitate NSP Implementation! Objectives: 1. Build AIDS Competent communities through: 2. Civil society collaboration & coordination 3. Strengthen capacity of sector 4. Promote good governance 5. Bridge gap national & local 6. Bridge gap policy & practice 7. Monitor sector

3 Programme of action 1 1.300 NGOs elected SANAC team: 3 plenary representatives 2 programme committee reps 9 provincial reps 2. Code of conduct; TOR 3. Devised strategy 4. Funding – CS Coordinator 5. Identified key NGOs: Provincial / Networks

4 Programme of action 2 6. Working group - Core of 35 NGOs 7.Host Quarterly meetings - Continually strengthening this group 8. Unity = sector logo 9.WG Reach = over 9000 CBOs / NGOs 10.Distribute monthly on line sector newsletter

5 NGO Sector electronic Newsletter

6 Programme of action 3 Meet over 400 NGOs / CBOs monthly - various dialogue platforms / fora Monthly Themes 2008: –Testing –Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission –Children & HIV –NGO sustainability –Greater involvement of people with HIV –International AIDS Conference highlights –HIV management –TB & HIV –Social services

7 2009 strategy … Consolidate strategy, apply lessons Focus on Implementation Unify through NSP Themes and messages Maximise and grow the network Implement Monitoring and Evaluation system Broader Sector & CS collaboration

8 NGO Themes 2009 – NSP 1.Prevention Strategy Multiple Concurrent partners Male Circumcision 2. Treatment, care and support Health care workers TB and ART Youth and children Social services / grants 3. Monitoring & Surveillance Planning Implementation Reporting 4. Human Rights Gender Vulnerable groups Stigma and Discrimination – Heroes Campaign

9 Current persistent Challenges.. Funding Capacity Coordination Monitoring & Evaluation

10 Thank you!!

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