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Locking Stumps Community Primary School The Learning Bubble “INSPIRING EACH OTHER EVERYDAY. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!”

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Presentation on theme: "Locking Stumps Community Primary School The Learning Bubble “INSPIRING EACH OTHER EVERYDAY. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Locking Stumps Community Primary School The Learning Bubble “INSPIRING EACH OTHER EVERYDAY. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!”

2 What is the Learning Bubble? The Learning Bubble is a safe, intuitive and friendly online environment designed to engage and educate the next generation of learners.

3 Safety  Everything that your child sees and does is seen by their teacher.  Only people from the school are able to access the site.  Each child is given a unique log in.  There is a “blow the whistle” function.  We have regular E-Safety lessons in school.  There are E-Safety lessons and quizzes on the Learning Bubble itself.

4 Getting Started 1 - Visit the Locking Stumps school website. 2 - Click DB Login. 3 - Each child has their own unique log in to enter. 4 - This allows them to access their own area.

5 The Main Features  Children can use the Learning Library independently to complete hundreds of tasks.  Teachers can set homework tasks.  Parents can use the teaching tools to help the child understand something they may find tricky.

6 What else does it offer? As well as completing their homework. The children can…  Mail their friends and teachers.  Keep a BLOG.  Earn rewards.  Visit their own class page.

7 The Learning Bubble Getting Started 1 – Visit the Locking Stumps school website. 2 – Click the “DB Login” icon in the bottom right hand side. 3 – Enter your unique log in. 4 – You should now be at your “Homepage”. Completing A Task 1 – On your homepage, use the on-screen arrows to find “Things To Do”. 2 – Hover over the task to check if it is the one that your teacher has set. 3 – Click the task and complete it. Working Independently 1 – On your homepage, look at the little icons at the top of your page and hover over the red parrot. 2 – This should say “Activities”. Click it. 3 – There you will find hundreds of activities and teaching tools that link with a variety of areas from the National Curriculum.

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