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Darcee Schmidt Logan College of Chiropractic.  50-70% pregnant females report back pain at some point  Those with the most pain tend to have more trouble.

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Presentation on theme: "Darcee Schmidt Logan College of Chiropractic.  50-70% pregnant females report back pain at some point  Those with the most pain tend to have more trouble."— Presentation transcript:

1 Darcee Schmidt Logan College of Chiropractic

2  50-70% pregnant females report back pain at some point  Those with the most pain tend to have more trouble with daily activities  Typically starts early and progresses throughout  The most common reason was dysfunction of the sacroiliac joint  Those with previous back pain are at a greater risk

3  Sacroiliac joint (SI)  Lumbar Spine  Hip  Sacrum  Poor posture  Biomechanics

4  Hormones  Shift in center of gravity  Increased weight  Posture  Stress

5  Aka gestational back pain is a significant and common problem  Non-pharmaceutical treatments are the first option  Chiropractic  Posture changes  Accupuncture  Physiotherapy  Yoga  Wang, SM. (2003). Backaches related to pregnancy: the risk factors, etiologies, treatments and controversial issues. Curr Opin anaesthesiol. June;16(3):269-73

6  Standing long periods of time  Forward bending posture  Lifting heavy objects

7  In late pregnancy you have a decreased range of forward bending  Trunk rotation decreases when sitting  Bending forward and rotating requires the greatest effort in pregnant women.  Late pregnancy: Stand with hips pushed backwards and with the trunk and shoulders flexed forward  Increased front to back curve in lumbar spine

8  Good posture  Proper gear  Proper lifting  Sleep on your side with pillow between legs  Ice or heat  EXERCISE  Keep weight gain within doctors regulations  Relax  Complementary therapies

9  If you were following an exercise program before becoming pregnant you should be able to continue  If just starting, start slow  Listen to your body  Don’t exert yourself to exhaustion or breathlessness  Avoid uneven surfaces  rciseguidelines.html rciseguidelines.html

10  Avoid back exercises in 2 nd and 3 rd trimesters  Utilize stretching and relaxation before and after working out  Weight train to improve tone  Upper body  Avoid over the head lifting  Low impact is preferred  Will help body return to natural state after delivery 

11  Excellent way for mom to adapt to her body’s changes  Provides stress relieve and calms the body  Strengthens the body  Release tension in hips  Increases circulation  May establish connection between mom and baby 

12  Yes  Expecting moms who practice yoga (meditation, physical postures, and breathing) have fewer preterm labors, higher birth weights, and less complications (such as intrauterine growth retardation and pregnancy induced hypertension)  Narendran S, Nagarathna R, Narendran V, Gunasheela S, Nagendra HR (2005). Efficacy of yoga on pregnancy outcome. Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine. Apr;11(2):237-44

13  Studies have shown that, because all pelvic joints loosen during pregnancy, use of a sacroiliac belt may prevent pain during and after pregnancy  Using a pelvic belt after giving birth decreased pain in 67% of moms  J.M.A Mens, et al 19  Snidjers, et al 1992, Vleeming, et al 1990, Hansen JH 1992

14  Webster Technique  Restore pelvic balance and function  Can be effective and is safe in relieving the consequences of intrauterine constraint (i.e., malposition/malpresentation) in pregnancy

15 Many pregnant females show great relief with other chiropractic techniques (Basic, SOT, Diversified, Thompson, Activator, etc.) For more information go to

16  May help turn a breech baby  May decrease morning sickness  May help induce labor  May help decrease pain  Helps maintain balance

17 Stretch your back and muscles Strengthen your core

18  Back pain is common in pregnancy  Caused by changing biomechanics  Many ways to help decrease pain  Exercise  SI belt  Chiropractic  Acupuncture  Strengthening and stretching


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