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Presented by Merzantova Tina. What is the Internet? The Internet has already entered our everyday life. It is a global computer network, which embraces.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Merzantova Tina. What is the Internet? The Internet has already entered our everyday life. It is a global computer network, which embraces."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Merzantova Tina

2 What is the Internet? The Internet has already entered our everyday life. It is a global computer network, which embraces hundred of millions of users all over the world and helps us communicate with each other.

3 Why is it called the Internet? Short for “internetworking” The World Wide Web and the Internet: is there any difference? The Web Is a Big Collection of HTML Pages on the Internet. The Internet is a Big Collection of Computers and Cables. Were the Internet and the WWW created at the same time? The Internet was developed by the U.S. Department of Defence in 1969. The most popular theory is that it was created to survive a nuclear attack. But the original Internet was very boring! The World Wide Web saved the Internet: there were added colors, hyperlinks, the URL and the mouse was invented. Frequently Asked Questions What it used to be. What it is nowadays.

4 The Internet makes the world go round Using the Internet has a lot of advantages: A huge amount of information available 24 hours a day - 7 days a week E-mailing; Websites providing various services; On-line chatting; Social networks (Facebook, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki) that bring people of the world closer together. Getting education without leaving your house (distance education or e- learning).

5 But… What if the Internet is evil? Some people think that the Internet does more harm than good. They say: ‘The Internet is one of the biggest threats to humanity’. Let’s name some disadvantages the Internet is blamed for: The Internet Addiction Syndrome – people (especially, teenagers ) spend more than 40 hours a week in the virtual world playing on-line games, chatting to unknown people, getting a lot of harmful information, lacking for real emotions, losing real friends and so on. The Internet users of working age even lose jobs. They wish they could stop, but they can’t. Virus attacks on the computers (you may lose all the information saved on your computer). Theft of personal information – if you use the Internet your personal data (your name, address, credit card details) can be easily stolen.

6 To be or not to be? Is it possible to live without the Internet? Learning, creating, researching are possible due to the Internet. Our modern world is developing every second and the progress would not be possible without the global net. Living without the Internet means living without future.

7 The future of the Internet So, there will be brilliant opportunities of using the Internet for the better world if the present problems such as the lack of the Internet censorship, protection of personal information, etc. have been solved. The world is changing, so is the Internet. It is becoming a platform for social and cultural development, and in the nearest future the greatest ideas will be generated mainly in the global net. People will be able to control different spheres via the Internet. The Internet will provide better services at lower prices and we will see a new world and the new Internet.

8 Finally, I would like to remember the remark made by Bill Gates, the American investor and philanthropist: “The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow”.

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