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POWER TEACHING FEBRUARY 2, 2016. WHAT IS POWER TEACHING? Also known as “Whole Brain Teaching” “Whole Brain Teaching is a highly interactive form of instruction.

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Presentation on theme: "POWER TEACHING FEBRUARY 2, 2016. WHAT IS POWER TEACHING? Also known as “Whole Brain Teaching” “Whole Brain Teaching is a highly interactive form of instruction."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT IS POWER TEACHING? Also known as “Whole Brain Teaching” “Whole Brain Teaching is a highly interactive form of instruction that delivers information to students in short “chunks.” Kids then teach what they have just learned to their partners, using hand-gestures to help remember specific vocabulary. While students teach each other, the teacher walks around the room to discover who understands the lesson and who needs more instruction. Research shows that children retain more information when they have an opportunity to put it into their own words and use gestures to emphasize key instructional units …plus, it’s amazingly fun!”

3 CLASS—YES Whole class attention getter When you say “Class,” students say, “Yes!” Classity-class, yessity-yes To Infinity—And Beyond! Mac and Cheese—Everybody Freeze! Science behind it: The call and response model activates the neo-cortex of the brain and readies your students to listen.

4 THE FIVE RULES Rules are not just posted; they are spoken and gestured by every student, every day “Do” the rules in the morning and after any significant break (lunch, recess, specials, etc) Each rule has a corresponding hand gesture. The Five Rules Science: The brain learns in five ways, by seeing, saying, hearing, doing and feeling. When you teach the rules with the Whole Brain signs, your students' brains are maximally operative. They see the signs, hear the rules, say the rules and make the gestures.


6 BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! TEACH—OKAY! Used when you want students to talk with a partner. Can be used to repeat information from the lesson/teacher, to share ideas, ask and answer questions Science: As you involve all four learning modes at once, and attach a positive emotional experience, students form deep and lasting anchors for the information they are acquiring. HANDS AND EYES Call and response You say, “Hands and eyes.” Students repeat, “Hands and eyes!” while folding hands in their laps and staring at you intently. Pair with “Class-Yes!” when you need full, immediate attention. Science: Same as Teach-Yes!

7 SCOREBOARD VS  STUDENTS VS. TEACHER BOYS VS. GIRLS Immediate celebration—”Oh yeah!” Working toward reward Rule of 3 When first starting, you will award lots of points then decline as students become better at procedures SCOREBOARD

8 RESOURCES HTTP://WWW.WHOLEBRAINTEACHING.COM/ YouTube Search: Whole Brain Teaching Teachers Pay Teachers

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