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6th Norges Bank Monetary Policy Conference 11-12 June 2009 Discussion Christopher Kent Reserve Bank of Australia Heterogeneous Expectations, Learning and.

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Presentation on theme: "6th Norges Bank Monetary Policy Conference 11-12 June 2009 Discussion Christopher Kent Reserve Bank of Australia Heterogeneous Expectations, Learning and."— Presentation transcript:

1 6th Norges Bank Monetary Policy Conference 11-12 June 2009 Discussion Christopher Kent Reserve Bank of Australia Heterogeneous Expectations, Learning and European Inflation Dynamics Anke Weber

2 What the paper shows… Based on consumer and professional inflation survey data for selected euro area countries: Constant gain learning is ‘reasonable’ Higher inflation countries have higher gains – more weight on more recent data Professionals have higher gains than households Expectations have not ‘converged’ across all countries

3 Learning Learning is a ‘one-way street’ in the model – that is, there is no feed back from learning to outcomes, and back to learning. – feedback/self referential learning requires a more complex, multiple equation model – may help to better interpret the results, e.g., link constant gain estimates to persistence of inflation?

4 Heterogeneous expectations Results suggest that learning speed differs across agents – households and experts – and across countries But, which agents matter more for prices/wages? And, does cross-country variation reflect plausible structural differences?

5 European inflation dynamics Implications of differences in constant gains Table 4 (monthly, average across models) – Households gain‘weights’ Germany0.00125 1 in Dec-06½ in Oct-60 Spain0.05351 in Dec-06½ in Dec-05 Table 9 (quarterly, average across models) – Experts gain‘weights’ Germany0.098 1 in Dec-06½ 6-7 qtrs prior Italy0.1511 in Dec-06½ 4-5 qtrs prior

6 Table 1: Beta estimates from Tables 15 and 17 versus Inflation HICP Inflation (per cent) Final state(average)(weighted average, HH’s Table 4) HouseholdsExperts1997-2006 (monthly, year-on-year) Germany1.451.631.41 France2.301.711.531.57 Italy3.001.672.092.06 Netherlands1.181.722.232.16 Spain4.412.902.923.33 Euro area1.791.751.91 European inflation dynamics Convergence of expectations

7 Price Level Index Eurostat data, average across 204 goods and services Source: M Berka and M Devereux (2009), ‘European Real Exchange Rates: Revisited’

8 European inflation dynamics Convergence of expectations


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