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Johnny Tremain Which characters are real and which are fictional?

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Presentation on theme: "Johnny Tremain Which characters are real and which are fictional?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Johnny Tremain Which characters are real and which are fictional?

2 Samuel Adams * a revolutionary * a patriot Sam Adams was one of the most vocal of his time to demand independence. He didn’t often let laws stand in his way.

3 Early Life Born in Quincy, Massachusetts in 1772 Grew up in respected and privileged family Went to Harvard University and then law school. Went into business- lost all the money his dad gave him

4 Political Career He was good at politics: Made speeches, published articles, led meetings. Founded the Sons of Liberty- secret organization Target for the British- since he was poor the British often tried to bribe him…he always refused.

5 * Signed the Constitution * Died in 1803

6 John Hancock Best known for his VERY large signature on the Declaration of Independence. Wealthy and used that money to support the colonists and their efforts towards independence.

7 Early Life Born in Massachusetts in 1737. Went to Harvard Learned the merchant trade from his uncle Inherited his uncle’s fortune- was one of America’s richest men at the time

8 Problems with British Rule Stamp Act- For every document he signed he had to pay a fee. As owner of a huge shipping business, he had to sign TONS of documents. This tax cost him LOTS of money. One of his ships were seized because the British thought he was smuggling goods.

9 Politics Financed the arming of the Minute Men Later was elected governor of Massachusetts Helped create the American Navy

10 James Otis Born in 1725 in Massachusetts Went to Harvard and became a lawyer Worked on many committees to help the colonists gain rights

11 Sometimes experienced fits of insanity Was hit on the head in a tavern brawl and afterwards was “harmlessly insane” Had only some clear moments until he died when he was struck by lightning

12 Paul Revere Born 1735 in Boston Silversmith and patriot A leader of the Sons of Liberty

13 Rode from Charlestown to Lexington to warn of approaching British troops Warned John Hancock and Sam Adams Left for Concord with 2 other riders, but he was caught by the British patrol

14 General Thomas Gage 1719-1787 British general 1774- Governor of Mass. Ordered the troops to Lexington and Concord in April 1775 Later returned to England

15 Doctor Joseph Warren Born 1741 Went to Harvard and studied medicine under his father Wrote political articles and was a public speaker Acted as a spy Was shot and died during the Battle of Bunker Hill in June 1775

16 Josiah Quincy Born 1744 in Boston Lawyer Wrote articles against the Stamp Act and other political essays Went to England to argue for the colonists and died on the way home

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