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Chinese Upheavals & Japanese Expansion Before and After World War I.

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Presentation on theme: "Chinese Upheavals & Japanese Expansion Before and After World War I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chinese Upheavals & Japanese Expansion Before and After World War I

2 China Sun Yat-sen… led the 1911Revolution against the Qing Dynasty, which overthrew the Emperor. Created the “Three Principles of the People” which were… ◦ Nationalism, ◦ Democracy ◦ and People’s livelihood Founder of the Kuomingtang (KMT), or Nationalist Party


4 China Sun Yat-sen makes steps down in 1912 Warlords fought for power and Civil War began in 1916 Peasants suffered famine and other hardships Like Russia, China is behind in modernizing Most ports and industries are controlled by foreign powers Twenty-One Demands and Paris Peace Conference enrage Chinese Nationalist


6 China Protest spread across China May Fourth Movement – cultural and intellectual uproar The goal of the May Fourth Movement was to strengthen China ◦ Anti-imperialist, culture, & political ◦ Break with traditional Chinese beliefs ◦ Western Education ◦ Women involved also Communist party formed in the 1920s



9 China Sun Yat-sen established a government in south China Chiang Kai-Shek takes power

10 Japanese Imperialism 1914—declared war on Germany Took over German Shandong Province in China A modernized Japan emerged from World War I. Japan stood as one of world’s foremost powers Japan did not have the natural resources needed for modern industry


12 Japanese “Twenty-one Demands” List secretly given to China while the western nations were occupied fighting WW I Coupled by Japanese taking of German sphere of influence in China… Shandong Province Japan demanded (a) China quit leasing territory to other foreign countries (b) Demanded control in Manchuria & Shandong Provinces (c) China accept Japanese “advisors” to help run its government

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