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The 16th CJK NGN-WG Meeting July 22 ~ 24, 2009, Beijing, China 16 th CJK NGN-WG (Standardization on DSN and Future Direction ) Shin-Gak Kang

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Presentation on theme: "The 16th CJK NGN-WG Meeting July 22 ~ 24, 2009, Beijing, China 16 th CJK NGN-WG (Standardization on DSN and Future Direction ) Shin-Gak Kang"— Presentation transcript:

1 The 16th CJK NGN-WG Meeting July 22 ~ 24, 2009, Beijing, China 16 th CJK NGN-WG (Standardization on DSN and Future Direction ) Shin-Gak Kang Telecommunications Technology Association

2 The 16th CJK NGN-WG Meeting 2 1. Introduction 2. Status of DSN Standardization 3. Current Issues of Q.19/13 4. Relevant Activities 5. Nest Step of Q.19/13 6. Conclusion Contents

3 The 16th CJK NGN-WG Meeting 3 1. Introduction New Question on DSN in ITU-T SG 13  Q.19/13: Distributed Services Networking  Target of DSN; Bring new technologies such as P2P to NGN so as to leverage the performance of service and Reduce the CAPEX and OPEX by utilizing the resources in P2P paradigm  Current Definition of DSN; the evolution of NGN as well as legacy IP based network, which provides distributed, operatable and manageable characteristics, to support various multimedia services Leaders of Q.19/13  Rapporteur : Mr. Jin Peng (China)  Associate Rapporteur : Mr. Shin-Gak Kang (Korea)

4 The 16th CJK NGN-WG Meeting 4 2. Status of DSN Standardization Current Work Items in Q.19/13  Y.dsnscn: DSN Scenarios (Supplement) Editor: Ning Zong(Huawei), Yu Meng(ZTE), Jianyin Zhang (China Mobile), Masato Yamanishi(Softbank BB Corp.) Target date for SG Approval: Sept. 2009  Y.dsnreq: DSN Requirements Editor: Yunfei Zhang(China Mobile), Haibin Song(Huawei) Target date for Consent: Jan. 2010  Y.dsnarch: Architecture of DSN Editor: Jianyin Zhang(China Mobile), Shin-Gak Kang(ETRI), Xueqin Hu(Huawei) First Draft Rec. : May 2009

5 The 16th CJK NGN-WG Meeting 5 3. Current Issues of Q.19/13 Clarification of the Title of Question 19/13  It was proposed to change the term ‘DS Networking” as, “Distributed Service Network”  Why ? DSN is considered as the evolution of NGN as well as legacy IP based network with distributed technology DSN is the Overlay Network; not Technology  It needs to be clarified at the next meeting in Sep. 2009 Concentration on DSN Requirements to complete it as soon as possible Target date for Consent: Jan. 2010 Need more considerations about relationship bet. DSN Architecture and NGN Architecture

6 The 16th CJK NGN-WG Meeting 6 4. Relevant Activities ITU-T Q.15/11 (End-to-end Multicast)  Develop Recommendations on End-to-end Multicast Solutions Framework and Protocols for multicast communications  Relevant Tasks of Q.15/13 is to develop, Rec. on end-to-end Multicast communications protocols based on P2P technology to support streaming service such as IPTV and UCC Rec. on end-to-end Multicast communications protocols over NGN environments  Collaboration with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 on end-to-end Multicast Solutions Preliminary Joint Work Item: Streaming protocol based on Managed P2P technology

7 The 16th CJK NGN-WG Meeting 7 5. Next Step of Q.19/13 Draft Study Roadmap of Q.19/13  2010.01~2010.12: Architecture and Key Issues Phase 1  2011.01~2011.12: Architecture and Key Issues Phase 2 What’s the Key Issues after completion of DSN Architecture Framework  DSN Capabilities ?  Detailed Functional Architectures for each Specific Services ?  Protocols to provide DSN service scenarios based on DSN Architecture ?  Methods and Mechanisms to support DSN ? Collaboration and Coordination with other relevant Groups should be considered in the next step of Q.19 work to realize DSN

8 The 16th CJK NGN-WG Meeting 8 6. Conclusion Urgent Issus of Q.19/13  Clarify the Term and Scope of Q.19/13  Work Priority on Scenarios and Requirements  Setup Concrete Architectural Model of DSN Future considerations  Specify the next Key Issues for DSN Standardization  Collaboration with other relevant Groups to realize and deploy DSN CJK Collaboration is the Key Success Factor of DSN  Most of DSN standardization activities have been Participated and Contributed by the CJK members

9 The 16th CJK NGN-WG Meeting 9 Thank you for your attention !!! Question and Discussion Question and Discussion

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