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CSDA – DCSS Affordable Care Act Workgroup  CSDA  DCSS  AOC  OCSE Region IX  “Agency”  Los Angeles  Yolo  Fresno  Ventura  Sonoma  Sacramento.

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Presentation on theme: "CSDA – DCSS Affordable Care Act Workgroup  CSDA  DCSS  AOC  OCSE Region IX  “Agency”  Los Angeles  Yolo  Fresno  Ventura  Sonoma  Sacramento."— Presentation transcript:


2 CSDA – DCSS Affordable Care Act Workgroup  CSDA  DCSS  AOC  OCSE Region IX  “Agency”  Los Angeles  Yolo  Fresno  Ventura  Sonoma  Sacramento  San Mateo  Sierra-Nevada  Santa Cruz-San Benito  Merced

3 Workgroup Fundamental Group Policy Statement: All children should have health care coverage This does not mean that the child support program necessarily continues to provide the same services as we provide today, with regard to medical support.

4  Assume no changes to IV-D law/regs until sometime after 1/1/2014  Assume “maximum flexibility” within existing laws and guidance provided by ACF/OCSE  Do not make radical changes in short term, that may have to be “undone” in long term  Ensure any new policies and procedures are consistent among the LCSAs, and between LCSAs, DCSS, FLFs & AB1058 courts Short Term

5 Training, Scenarios, FAQs & Scripts

6 Short Term  What do we say when the phones start ringing?  Should we include standard language in our pleadings & court orders?  Do we worry about establishing/enforcing if the children are covered by MediCal?  What do we tell employers?  What do we do about interstate cases?  Training  Collateral materials  Outreach & messaging

7 What is the group’s recommendation regarding child support’s continued role in the establishment and enforcement of medical support? Long Term

8 Spectrum of Options & Transition Issues

9 Next Steps  Next meeting on May 9  Draft reports  Final report  Post-June 30 work


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