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Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Federal Decision Making February 24, 2016 Benjamin Skolnik.

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Presentation on theme: "Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Federal Decision Making February 24, 2016 Benjamin Skolnik."— Presentation transcript:

1 Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Federal Decision Making February 24, 2016 Benjamin Skolnik

2 Ecosystem Services Regulating Climate Regulation Disease Regulation Crop pollination Flood/Drought Control Water & Air Purification Water Supply Cultural Spiritual Recreation Ecotourism Aesthetic Inspirational Educational Cultural Heritage Supporting Soil Formation Nutrient Cycling Primary Production Provisioning Food Fresh Water Wood/Fuel Fiber Genetic Resources Pharmaceuticals The short- and long-term benefits people obtain from ecosystems include:

3 Agencies shall develop policies to promote consideration of ecosystem- services assessments within existing agency planning and decision frameworks, where appropriate and practicable, in accordance with their statutory authorities and consistent with their specific mission. - October 7, 2015 3 Executive Memorandum

4 Memo Implementation Timeline Mar 30, 2016: USAID to provide White House with proposed work plan Nov 30, 2016: White House will issue implementation guidance for peer and then public review USAID’s final work plan due 120 days after the release of final implementation guidance Benjamin Skolnik

5 Required Components of Work Plan 1.State of agency current practice; 2.Challenges impeding the consideration of ecosystem services; and 3.Policies, programs, or analyses appropriate for integrating ecosystem services assessments. 5 Benjamin Skolnik

6 Current Practice on Ecosystem Services Not restricted to one Bureau or Office, many sectors work on ecosystem services: Climate change adaptation and sustainable landscapes Forestry and biodiversity Land tenure and resource management Water Agriculture Environmental compliance Many cross-sector links 6 Benjamin Skolnik

7 Decentralized approach Data poor environments Technical and staffing capacity Need to align with host country and global diplomatic priorities Programming in Conflict Affected and Fragile States Humanitarian assistance 7 Challenges to Incorporation Benjamin Skolnik

8 Goal 1: Improve Consideration of Ecosystem Services in Environmental Analyses Tropical Forest & Biodiversity Assessments Climate Risk Management Agency Environmental Procedures Goal 2: Incorporate Ecosystem Services into Other Agency Analyses & Tools Cost Benefit Analysis Economic Growth Diagnostics Goal 3: Mainstream Ecosystem Services Across Agency Sectors & Program Areas Proposed Process for Mainstreaming Ecosystem Services Across Agency Sectors & Program Areas Proposed Work Plan

9 Questions? Join us at lunch today to discuss further For more information: Hadas Kushnir, Benjamin Skolnik

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