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Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) Ahmed Ismail AIT 600 Spring 08.

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1 Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) Ahmed Ismail AIT 600 Spring 08


3 A.I. is the study of how to make computers do things at which, at the moment, people are better. AI is both the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science which aims to create it. What is the Artificial Intelligence?

4 Sensor Actuator

5 What’s involved in Intelligence?  Ability to interact with the world (speech, vision, motion, manipulation)  Ability to model the world and to reason about it  Ability to learn and to adapt

6 AI Goals  To build systems that exhibit intelligent behavior  To understand intelligence in order to model it

7 Why AI ? to use the power of computers to augment human thinking. to use a computer's artificial intelligence to understand how humans think.

8 A Brief History of AI McCulloch and Pitts propose a model of artificial neurons 1943 The Dartmouth Conference and Agreement to name this new field of study: Artificial Intelligence 1956 Lots of work on neural networks 1956-1969 Birth of expert systems 1969-1979 R1 becomes first successful commercial expert system 1980-1988 Increases in computational power (computers are cheaper, faster, and have tons more memory than they used to) 1990s

9 Computer Chess 2/96: Kasparov vs Deep Blue Kasparov victorious: 3 wins, 2 draws, 1 loss 3/97: Kasparov vs Deeper Blue First match won against world champion 512 processors: 200 million chess positions per second Computer Chess 2/96: Kasparov vs Deep Blue Kasparov victorious: 3 wins, 2 draws, 1 loss 3/97: Kasparov vs Deeper Blue First match won against world champion 512 processors: 200 million chess positions per second

10 AI Computer science Linguistics Psychology Biology Mathematics Philosophy

11 Levels of Intelligence Weak AI Reflex Context awareStrong AIGoal seekingLearning

12 AI Research Approaches Performance oriented Simulation oriented  Researcher tries to maximize the performance of the agents.  Just do it.  Computer scientists approach  Researcher tries to maximize the performance of the agents.  Just do it.  Computer scientists approach  Researcher tries to understand how the agents produce responses  Wait, let me figure what’s going on first  Psychologists approach  Researcher tries to understand how the agents produce responses  Wait, let me figure what’s going on first  Psychologists approach

13 Computer Chess 2/96: Kasparov vs Deep Blue Kasparov victorious: 3 wins, 2 draws, 1 loss 3/97: Kasparov vs Deeper Blue First match won against world champion 512 processors: 200 million chess positions per second Computer Chess 2/96: Kasparov vs Deep Blue Kasparov victorious: 3 wins, 2 draws, 1 loss 3/97: Kasparov vs Deeper Blue First match won against world champion 512 processors: 200 million chess positions per second

14 Robotics – Hopkins Beast 1964 Two versions of the Hopkins beast, which used sonar to guide it in the halls. Its goal was to find power outlets. l

15 Robotics – Stanford cart 1971- Stanford cart. Remote controlled by person or computer. 1971- follow the white line 1975- drive in a straight line by tracking skyline 1979- get through obstacle courses. Cross 30 meters in five hours, getting lost one time out of four 1971- Stanford cart. Remote controlled by person or computer. 1971- follow the white line 1975- drive in a straight line by tracking skyline 1979- get through obstacle courses. Cross 30 meters in five hours, getting lost one time out of four

16 Phil, the drug robot, introduced in 2003 Moving Around and Picking Things Up

17 Robot Evolution ex.php?cl=7318200

18 Questions? group/kismet/kismet.html

19 Thank you

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