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Numeracy classes.   Feel free.

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1 Numeracy classes

2  http://morelandnumeracyaiznetwork.wikispa http://morelandnumeracyaiznetwork.wikispa  Feel free to browse

3  Number fluency in every lesson.  Clear purpose for every lesson.  Formal structure for every lesson  Students working on tasks beyond their current levels of thinking. (differentiated tasks)  Teachers communicating high expectations and using purposeful feedback.  Established classroom norms for working.

4  Tell the students what they will learn during the lesson.  Review where you have been and where you will be going.  ‘In this lesson you will...’  ‘By the end of this session you will be able to...’  State it very clearly for them.  Write it on the board. Students are expected to write it down.  Preps and grade 1’s repeat it after you.

5  If you are working in a group – the mantra needs to be *I agree, I understand, I can explain. The teacher can call on any member to report back. Each student has a communal responsibility to explain to someone in the group if they don’t understand.  You will do your best at all times.  You will be expected to explain your thinking.  You will be expected to use mathematical language.

6  You will be expected to look after the maths equipment and return it when you are finished.  You will be expected to record your findings.  You will be expected to persevere.  You will be expected to work with students that may not be your best friends.  You will be expected to work through difficult problems where the answer does not seem obvious.  Everyone’s contribution is valid.

7 Everyone’s contribution is valid Risk taking is expected We will all be working beyond our current safe boundaries.

8  Departments language  Launch, Explore, Summarise  e5 model  Engage – Launch  Explore – Explore  Explain and Elaborate – Summarise  Evaluate – Assessment -(Formal – ongoing)

9  Number Fluency – max. 10 minutes  Today’s focus is: (Written or Oral)  Launch: 10-15 minutes  Explore: 20-25 minutes Differentiated tasks  Summarise: 10-15minutes. (Written or Oral)

10  What skills are the students going to need to complete the lesson?  Remind students of maths resources they might need to complete the lesson.  Revise new vocabulary and understandings.  Students write down the purpose of the lesson.  It is Munro’s Getting Knowledge Ready for maths!

11  Students may be : ◦ involved in a teaching group ◦ consolidating learning ◦ learning independently ◦ completing written learning ◦ playing games in partners or small groups ◦ problem solving ◦ applying skills to various real life maths situations

12  Each student is working at a level beyond their current level of understanding. (Zone of Proximal Development)  The teaching group is fluid and flexible.  The activities are rich and engaging learning experiences.  They are directly related to the information discussed in the Launch.  Student groups are fluid.

13  Doing something different for every student in the class.  Using groups that never change.  Isolating struggling students within the class.  Never allowing struggling students to work independently.  Never engaging in whole class activities with all students participating in the same endeavour.

14  Teachers are expected to: ◦ conduct a focussed teaching group ◦ rove and assist where needed ◦ conduct individual conferencing ◦ correcting ◦ question student understanding ◦ provide effective feedback (written or oral) ◦ extend students if needed.

15  Don’t just share the work – share the strategy.  Don’t always wait until the end to share.  Let the students know you are expecting them to share.  When a lesson has not gone as planned you as the teacher may have to summarise the lesson.  Each student writes a review. ‘When we do this tomorrow I have to remember that...’

16  Summarising may be:  An opportunity for deeper questioning  Student reflection activities  Students demonstrating new knowledge  Students can be encouraged to:  Articulate their knowledge  Evaluate their knowledge  Know how their knowledge will be applied to the future learning

17  Must include:  Lesson Focus  Vocabulary  Fluency Activity  Launch  Differentiated tasks  Teaching group activity  Summary

18  Research suggests there are three questions students have:  What am I meant to be doing?  How am I going?  Where to next?  Feedback to parents may be a short letter to let parents know how they are going.

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