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Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher - Jim Rickard Sunday, August 4, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher - Jim Rickard Sunday, August 4, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher - Jim Rickard Sunday, August 4, 2013

2 The Book of Proverbs Chapter 8 Wisdom Benefits Summary

3 III. Second Exhortation: Choose wisdom above all else, 8:10. 1. Reason: Wisdom is most valuable, 8:11. 2. Reason: Wisdom has immediate benefits, 8:12-21. 3. Reason: Wisdom’s origin, antiquity and work, 8:22-31.

4 Prov 8:12-21 The Nine Benefits of Wisdom outlines the Spiritual Life.

5 1. The application of God’s Word, vs. 12, determining what things you should be involved in and what you should not, who you should associate with and who you should not, etc.

6 2. Hating of evil in vs. 13. You will recognize evil when it is near, around or in your life, desiring to distance yourself from it immediately.

7 3. The Word of God is now free to counsel us even more so, vs. 14, providing sound wisdom in order to make courageous decisions as we begin to powerfully advance in spiritual maturity.

8 4. We then have Rulership and authority over our souls, vs. 15-16. No longer is sin or the sin nature in control, Cf. Heb 4:12.

9 5. Then we enter into a loving relationship with the Lord, vs. 17. With the absence of sin and evil in our lives, we can have a wonderful relationship with the righteousness of God.

10 6. Based on our experiential sanctification, we are in a place of blessing from God both spiritually and materially, vs. 18, which enable us to go forward in His plan.

11 7. We are now empowered to produce Divine Good, the Fruit of the Spirit, on a consistent basis, vs. 19.

12 8. When we do we are walking inside the Plan of God for our lives having a Personal Sense of Destiny.

13 9. That qualifies us for the distribution of our escrow blessings for both time and eternity, vs. 21, having satisfied the terms of the escrow agreement.

14 This includes our ultimate sanctification; brought home in eternal glory to receive our resurrection bodies that will be decorated at the BEMA seat of Jesus Christ…

15 … with our eternal rewards that we will adorn for all of eternity to the glory of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, 1 Cor 15:41-42.

16 The pattern for the believer’s life after their salvation.

17 1) The application of God’s Word that leads to,

18 1) The application of God’s Word that leads to, 2) Removing evil from your life that leads to,

19 1) The application of God’s Word that leads to, 2) Removing evil from your life that leads to, 3) The advance toward maturity in the spiritual life that leads to,

20 4) Rulership and authority over your soul that leads to,

21 4) Rulership and authority over your soul that leads to, 5) A loving relationship with God living in His Word that leads to,

22 4) Rulership and authority over your soul that leads to, 5) A loving relationship with God living in His Word that leads to, 6) Blessings and rewards to provide for further spiritual growth and impact that leads to,

23 7) Producing Divine Good; the fruit of the Spirit that leads to,

24 7) Producing Divine Good; the fruit of the Spirit that leads to, 8) A personal sense of destiny walking in righteousness and justice that leads to,

25 9) Fulfilling the contract so that our escrow blessings for time and eternity can be distributed to us that leads to the glorification of God for all of eternity.

26 Numerology of the Pattern:

27 Numerology of the Pattern: 1 = Unity – Application of Bible Doctrine.

28 Numerology of the Pattern: 1 = Unity – Application of Bible Doctrine. 2 = Division – Hating evil.

29 Numerology of the Pattern: 1 = Unity – Application of Bible Doctrine. 2 = Division – Hating evil. 3 = Divine Perfection – Advance toward Maturity.

30 4 = Material completeness – Rulership and authority.

31 4 = Material completeness – Rulership and authority. 5 = Grace – A loving relationship with God.

32 4 = Material completeness – Rulership and authority. 5 = Grace – A loving relationship with God. 6 = Man – Logistical and other blessings we receive.

33 7 = Spiritual Perfection – Producing Divine Good.

34 7 = Spiritual Perfection – Producing Divine Good. 8 = Superabundant New Beginnings – a Personal Sense of Destiny.

35 7 = Spiritual Perfection – Producing Divine Good. 8 = Superabundant New Beginnings – a Personal Sense of Destiny. 9 = Judgment - Distribution of your Escrow Blessings.

36 So we see that the Word of God is alive and powerful, incredibly beneficial to our lives!

37 Communi on


39 “Only the man or woman who is first willing to admit their guilt within the cross, can also claim his share of grace which comes from the cross."

40 “Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

41 - Bring to an end, finish, complete 2 Timothy 4:7, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.”



44 Grace Offering Prov 3:9-10, “Honor the LORD from your wealth and from the first of all your produce; 10 So your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will overflow with new wine.”

45 Grace Fellowship Church Sunday August 4, 2013 Tape # 13-082 Proverbs Chapter 7 Wisdom’s Benefits Outline The Spiritual Life Prov 8:12-21; Heb 4:12; 1 Cor 15:41-42 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2013

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