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ARWARN Utilities Helping Utilities Thad Luther, Chief Operating Officer Central Arkansas Water.

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Presentation on theme: "ARWARN Utilities Helping Utilities Thad Luther, Chief Operating Officer Central Arkansas Water."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARWARN Utilities Helping Utilities Thad Luther, Chief Operating Officer Central Arkansas Water

2 KEY POINTS OF PRESENTATION  What is ARWARN?  Key Components of a WARN Network Organization (State Committee) Organization (State Committee) Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement Database of Resources Database of Resources Web Site – Web Site – MEMBERS (YOU) MEMBERS (YOU)

3   Water & Wastewater Agency Response Network   Network of utilities helping utilities   United by the threat of natural and manmade disasters   Organized by voluntary agreement to help each other with personnel and resources What is a ‘WARN’?

4 ORGANIZATION  State Committee Makeup – Representatives of AWW&WEA, ARWA, AWWMA, ADEM Makeup – Representatives of AWW&WEA, ARWA, AWWMA, ADEM Responsibilities – Responsibilities – Provide coordinationProvide coordination Develop proceduresDevelop procedures Plan and coordinate emergency planning and response activitiesPlan and coordinate emergency planning and response activities Maintain Web site and database of resourcesMaintain Web site and database of resources

5 Mutual Aid & Assistance Agreement (MAA)  Agreement signed by all members for the purpose providing an organized response to disasters with appropriately skilled personnel  Draft agreement developed using AWWA standard document and agreements from other states  Reviewed by Attorney General, and by attorneys from ARWA and the Arkansas Municipal League

6 What Does the MAA Provide?  Structure of the State Committee  Basic Protocol to Request Assistance  Responding Member Guidance Organized and function under National Incident Management System (NIMS) Organized and function under National Incident Management System (NIMS) Maintains total control of resources Maintains total control of resources Assistance is voluntary and member can withdraw resources at any time. Assistance is voluntary and member can withdraw resources at any time.

7 What Does the MAA Provide?  Procedures for Cost reimbursement, if requested  Each utility maintains control of staff and resources  Addresses insurance Worker’s Compensation – responding member responsible for their personnel Worker’s Compensation – responding member responsible for their personnel Each utility bears its own risk Each utility bears its own risk

8 ARWARN Database  Contact Names & Phone Numbers Member Utilities  Information on Resources available from those Members Generators Generators Equipment & Materials Equipment & Materials Crews & Skilled Personnel Crews & Skilled Personnel


10 Website: ARWARN.ORG  Provides general Information on ARWARN  *.pdf of Mutual Aid & Assistance Agreement  For Members: Common database location to enter contact and resource data Common database location to enter contact and resource data Information on what resources are available from member utilities Information on what resources are available from member utilities

11 Membership  ARWARN only works with if we have members like you  Current members who have signed an MAA include Arkadelphia, Beaver Water District, GPRWDD, Watson, Truman, Little Rock Wastewater, Sardis Water, Central Arkansas Water, Heber Springs, Bryant, NLR Wastewater, Camden, and Ozark  WE NEED MORE

12 2009 ICE STORM  Assisted Arkansas Rural Water in locating generators; with generators from ARWA and Volunteer Utilities we were able to place 20+ generators at distressed water systems  Delivered 900+ cases of bottled water to Marshall

13 2009 ICE STORM  Why you have an MAA? Several utilities contacted were concerned about insurance or other issues that made them hesitate to assist; at least one had to call a special board meeting  No database; generators were located by making phone calls to utilities located just south of the effected area & notice sent out by ADH requesting assistance  Insufficient resources

14 Why Should You Becoming an ARWARN Member?  Increased planning and coordination  Emergency contact list  Enhanced access to specialized resources  Expedited arrival of aid  Increased hope  COSTS: $00000

15 ARWARN Utilities Helping Utilities Thad Luther Chief Operating Officer Central Arkansas Water

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