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Welcome Kindergarten Curriculum Night November 16, 2011 Kindergarten Team: Mrs. Aithal, Mrs. Pommer, and Mrs. Raczka.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Kindergarten Curriculum Night November 16, 2011 Kindergarten Team: Mrs. Aithal, Mrs. Pommer, and Mrs. Raczka."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Kindergarten Curriculum Night November 16, 2011 Kindergarten Team: Mrs. Aithal, Mrs. Pommer, and Mrs. Raczka

2 The Kindergarten math program consists of a combination of Investigations and Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley Mathematics. This instruction engages students in making sense of mathematical ideas. They learn to become mathematical thinkers. We help the children to build a strong sense of number. The children use mathematical language to discuss their thinking. Math

3 Kindergarten Math  Recognize, count, and compare number to 31  Sorting objects  Patterning  Counting by 10’s to 100  Identifying and drawing shapes  Comparing and estimating number, length, and weight of objects  Telling time to the hour  Identifying a penny and dime  Calendar activities Seasons Days of the week Sequencing events using yesterday, today, and tomorrow  Addition to 10 using objects and drawings

4 How Can You Help at Home?  Play board games  Play card games such as Go Fish and Old Maid or Uno  Allow children to help at the grocery store  Let children help with the cooking  Encourage use of calendars and clocks, both analog and digital  Involve your children in discussions about money

5 Math Makes Sense See the math in the world around you. Numbers, shapes, sizes, patterns, measurements, clocks, calendars, money… Math is everywhere!

6 Reading In reading we use a balanced literacy approach combining the Harcourt Brace Reading program, children’s literature, and comprehension strategies. Our goal is to foster a love of books and start them on their journey in becoming lifelong readers.

7 Kindergarten Reading Experiences  Direct whole group reading instruction  Small, guided reading groups  Shared reading  Independent reading  Partner reading  Read aloud

8 Phonics and Phonemic Awareness  Identifies letter sounds and names (upper and lower case)  Identifying the number of syllables  Identifies initial and final consonant sounds in a word  Hears and generates words that have the same beginning sounds  Hears and generates words that rhyme  Segments and blends phonemes

9 Reading Strategies  Look at the picture  Sound out the word  Look for familiar chunks inside a word  Does it make sense?  Reread the sentence and try the word again  Get your mouth ready to make the first sound  Does it sound right?  Does it look right?

10 Comprehension  The Big Idea  Story Elements – Setting, Characters, Problem, Important Events, and Solution  Makes connections to text and self  Written responses to texts  Retells the story

11 Fluency  Rereading familiar texts  Choral reading of poems and songs  Independent reading

12 How Can You Help At Home?  Read, Read, Read!  Read to and with your child every day  Ask your child questions before, during, and after reading


14 The Writing Process Drafting Revising Proofreading Publishing Planning

15 What Social Studies looks like in Kindergarten: o Famous Americans o Life today and in the past o Location and Direction o Home Address and Phone Number o Maps o Family Traditions o Patriotic symbols o Needs and Wants o Community Workers o Fire Safety

16 Science  Living and non living  How living things change as they grow  Daily weather and how it affects dress and the activities we do  Sort and classify  The Five Senses

17 Health  Hand washing and good hygiene  Safe and dangerous activities  Healthy foods and the importance of physical activity

18 Any Questions? ?

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