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Presentation on theme: "MEDICAL FORMS WITH ANTIBIOTICS ass. Plaskonis Yu.Yu."— Presentation transcript:


2 Antibiotics are low-molecular products of metabolism of microorganisms which repress the height of other microorganisms in small concentrations. Antibiotics are natural products, whether formed by microorganisms, whether semi synthetics, got chemical modification of natural antibiotics or other foods of metabolism of microorganisms, as a result of microbiological transformation of synthetic connections.

3 Antibiotics are natural products, whether formed by microorganisms, whether semi synthetics, got chemical modification of natural antibiotics or other products of metabolism of microorganisms, as a result of microbiological transformation of synthetic connections.

4 Antibiotics repress: synthesis of cellular wall of microorganism; synthesis of squirrel; replication and transcription; functioning of cellular membrane; synthesis of nucleotides.

5 Antibiotics must: to be active in a relation one or a few pathogenic microorganisms; it is good to be sucked in and distributed in an organism, to be long kept in the hearth of infection in concentrations which exceed minimum repressing concentrations (MRC); to be un toxic and, on possibility, not expose negative indirect actions. Serious by-reactions are assumed only in case that an antibiotic is used at very heavy diseases.


7 Antibacterial activity of antibiotics is expressed in units of action (UA), which answer certain gravimetric parts chemically clean crystalline preparation which is set by the method of biological standardization. At some antibiotics (streptomycin, erythromycin and other) unit of action 1 mg chemically clean preparation as basis, acid or salt. If such accordance is not, then at enumeration FROM antibiotics in gravimetric correlations it costs to use data, resulted in the corresponding private articles of SP Х.

8 For example, in a recipe it is prescribed benzylpenicyllini sodium 200 000 UA. In the pharmacopeias article № 95 (SP Х. p. 126) it is marked in a note, that 0,0005988 mg chemically clean sodium salt of benzylpenicyllini = 1 UA. Thus, 200 000 ODES will answer 0,0005988×200 000 = 120 mg or 0,12 g, and 100 000 UA will lay down 0,06

9 MASS AND UNITS OF ACTION Medical substanceUnit of action million Mass Ampiccilini Benzilpenicillini sodium Benzilpenicillini novocaini Eritromycini Canamycini Monomycini Novobyorcini Оletitrini Polymyxini Tetracyclini 11111111111111111111 0,580 0,600 0,900 1,110 1,230 1,000 0,125 1,000

10 For preparation of medical forms with antibiotics it is necessary to take into account their next features: they not enough stable, that is conditioned by their chemical structure, insufficient degree of cleanness, and also defined values of рН ; for them comparatively short half-period, which results in frequent introduction of preparation (4-6 times per days) and hampers preparation of medical forms of the continued action; they are able to enter into co-operating with auxiliary matters, that results in the decline of their activity;

11 Requirements to the medical forms with antibiotics: Preparation of medical forms with antibiotics must be conducted in aseptic terms. It is related to that antibacterial activity of antibiotics goes down under act of microorganisms and their enzymes. The type of medical form is guilty to provide stability of antibiotic both in the process of technology and at maintenance. A medical form must assist creation of necessary concentration of antibiotic in blood of macro organism at a minimum dosage. Technology of medical forms with antibiotics must be simple and inexpensive.

12 complicated process of receipt of sterile medical forms with antibiotics in connection with their term labiality; the protracted application of antibiotics leads, as a rule, to the origin of proof stamms and to other heavy consequences; with the purpose of expansion of spectrum of antimicrobial action of antibiotics, warning of development of avitaminosis and candid mycosis they are appointed in a report with other preparations (by Sulfanilamide’s, vitamins and other)

13 Rp.: Benzylpen і c і ll і n і -natr іі 200 000 UA Sol. Natr іі chlor і d і і soton і cae 10 ml M і sce. Da. S і gna. For 2 drops in each eye.











24 WCP Date № prescription Sol. Natr іі chlor і d і 0,9% 10 ml Ster і lis Benzylpen і c і ll і n і -natr іі 0,12 (100 000 UA=0,06) Add і ta asept і ce Prepared Checked

25 Rp.: Laevomycet і n і 0,05 Natr іі tetraborat і s 0,02 Ac і d і bor і c і 0,11 Natr іі chlor і d і 0,02 Aguae pur і f і catae ad 10 ml M і sce. Da. S і gna. 2 drops in each eye.

26 WCP Date № prescription Aguae pur і f і catae 10 ml Natr іі chlor і d і 0,02 Natr іі tetraborat і s 0,02 Ac і d і bor і c і 0,11 Laevomycet і n і 0,05 Ster і l і s Prepared Checked

27 Rp.: Benzylpen і c і ll і n і -natr іі 50 000 UA Lanol і n і anhydr і c і 4,0 Vasel і n і pro ocul і 6,0 M і sce, ut f і at unguentum S і gna. Pledge by the lower eyelid right eye.


29 WCP Date № prescription Benzylpen і c і ll і n і -natr іі 0,03 (100 000 action =0,06) Bas і s (6:4) ster і le 10,0 Add і ta asept і ce Prepared Checked


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