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Welcome back to World History! ■ A quick reminder about this class for those returning students: ■ Debates/Socratic Seminars- will be done from time to.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome back to World History! ■ A quick reminder about this class for those returning students: ■ Debates/Socratic Seminars- will be done from time to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome back to World History! ■ A quick reminder about this class for those returning students: ■ Debates/Socratic Seminars- will be done from time to time quality and respectful participation will be worth a Quiz grade ■ Unit Organizers- Define the vocabulary terms & answer the reading questions. This has quiz, test and project due dates on it. Due on the day of the test, worth a quiz grade. ■ Historical Labs- When conducted from this point on, your paper answering the question will be worth a Quiz Grade ■ Every Friday- Unless we have a test/project/socratic seminar or debate, We WILL have a quiz based on what we have learned this week. ■ Study Guides- Provided on the Monday leading into a Test Week.

2 The Rules 1.Respect yourself, myself and your classmates around you 2.Respect the time that we have and work efficiently on task 3.Be honest in all settings 4.No Food! Only water is allowed 5.Follow all Whitewater High and Fayette County rules ■ Electronic Devices will be used from time to time in class, when it is allowed, I will let you know and flip the Technology Sign to “Go” otherwise Electronic Devices will not be used in class. ■ Violations of the above are subject to disciplinary action.

3 This Semester… ■ You will take your Post SLO exam worth 2% of your Final Grade in Late March which will cover everything up through World War I ■ This Semester is broken up into 6 Units: ■ Unit 7- Gunpowder Empires and Isolationist Asia- 1/5-1-15 ■ Unit 8- Enlightenment, Absolutism, and Revolutions-1/19-2/5 ■ Unit 9- Industrial Revolution, Nationalism, and Imperialism- 2/8-2/26 ■ Unit 10- World War I- 2/29-3/18 ■ Unit 11- 1920’s-30’s and World War II-3/21-4/15 ■ Unit 12- Cold War, Globalization, and Recent Events-4/18-5/6

4 ■ Essential Question: – What were the achievements of the “gunpowder empires”: Ottomans? ■ Warm-Up: ■ Watch the music video, get your notes ready for today.

5 From 1300 to 1700, three “gunpowder empires” dominated parts of Europe, Africa, & Asia The Ottoman Empire The Safavid Empire The Mughal Empire

6 These empires were unique but shared some similarities: All 3 empires were able to conquer neighboring people because they formed strong armies using rifles & artillery All 3 empires were Islamic & ruled by Muslim leaders with well- organized gov’ts made up of loyal bureaucrats All 3 empires blended their culture with neighboring societies to create a high point of Islamic culture

7 The Ottoman Empire Around 1300, the Muslim Turks of Anatolia were unified & formed the Ottoman Empire The Ottomans used muskets & cannons to form a powerful army & expand their territory

8 The Ottoman Military The Ottoman army included 30,000 elite soldiers called janissaries who were slaves that were trained to be loyal to the government

9 The Ottoman Empire In 1453, the Ottomans attacked Constantinople & conquered the Byzantine Empire

10 The Ottoman Empire By the late 1600s, the Ottomans expanded into the Middle East, Northern Africa, & Eastern Europe

11 The Ottoman Empire Ottoman rulers were called sultans & they governed with absolute power The greatest Ottoman sultan was Suleyman the Magnificent who came to power in 1520 Under Suleyman, Ottoman armies attacked Eastern Europe & the empire reached its height By the mid-1500s, Suleyman was the most powerful king in the world

12 Suleyman’s greatest accomplishment was creating a stable gov’t for his empire He was known as “Suleyman the Lawgiver” because he created a law code that governed criminal & civil issues He created a simplified & fair tax system to raise money for his empire He granted freedom of worship to Christians & Jews living in the empire under the Millet system

13 Art, architecture, & poetry flourished under Suleyman as the Ottoman Empire experienced a cultural renaissance Mosque of Suleyman by architect, Sinan Ottoman miniature painting

14 The Decline of the Ottoman Empire To maintain their power against rivals, Suleyman & other Ottoman sultans executed their brothers & jailed their sons which led to progressively weaker leaders By the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the Ottoman Empire was so weak it was known as the “sick man of Europe”

15 Using your notes and the book Chapter 18 section 1: ■ Create a T-Chart to list the achievements of Suleyman Social AchievementsCultural Achievements

16 Essential Question: ■ What is the geographic extent of the Ottoman Empire? ■ Warm-Up Questions: ■ What is a Sultan? ■ Who were the Janissaries? ■ Who was Suleiman? What were some of his achievements?

17 Ottoman Empire Map Activity ■ Using the Directions, the Map, an expo marker and the Nystrom Atlas of World History complete the map activity with your groups ■ When finished, write a paragraph about how you think trade and trade routes helped the expansion of the Ottoman Empire in your notes.

18 EQ: What were the achievements of the Safavids, & Mughals? ■ Warm-Up Questions: ■ When did the Ottomans effectively end the Byzantine Empire? ■ What three continents did the Ottomans have territory in? ■ How did trade impact the expansion of the Ottomans?

19 The Safavid Empire The Safavids were Turks living in Persia who built a powerful gunpowder army & created an empire in modern-day Iran Unlike the Ottomans who were Sunni Muslims, the Safavids believed in Shi’a Islam & strictly converted the people they conquered Safavid rulers were called shahs, using the Persian title for king

20 The greatest ruler of the Safavid Empire was Shah Abbas who came to power in 1587 Abbas borrowed ideas from outside groups to improve the Safavid Empire He modeled Ottoman janissaries, used merit to employ gov’t workers, & introduced religious toleration which helped Safavids trade with European Christians Art flourished, especially carpets that blended Persian & European designs

21 The Decline of the Safavid Empire Like the Ottomans, Shah Abbas blinded or killed his most capable sons in order to keep power As a result, weak leaders led to a rapid decline of the Safavid Empire While the Ottoman Empire lasted until 1922, the Safavid Empire fell in 1747

22 The Mughals were Muslims who descended from Turks, Afghans, & Mongols living in central Asia Like the Ottomans & Safavids, the Mughals built a powerful army with guns & cannons

23 In 1494, Babur became king of the Mughals, expanded the army, & began invasions into India to create his empire In 1556, Babur’s grandson Akbar became king of the Mughal Empire & expanded the empire into almost all of India

24 Akbar was the greatest of all the Mughal rulers He held religious discussions with Hindu & Muslim scholars He ended the tax that non-Muslims were required to pay & created a fair & affordable tax system Akbar’s greatest achievement was cultural blending & religious toleration Because he was Muslim ruling in a largely Hindu region, Akbar allowed non- Muslims to worship freely He married many wives, among them were Muslim, Hindu, & Christian women

25 The best example of Akbar’s tolerance was his creation of a new religion called the Divine Faith The Divine Faith was an example of syncretism because it blended ideas from Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, & Zoroastrianism Akbar hoped the Divine Faith would end conflicts between Muslims & Hindus But, the Divine Faith never attracted many Muslim or Hindu converts…When Akbar died, so did the Divine Faith

26 During Akbar’s reign, art flourished Mughal artists were known for their colorful paintings called miniatures

27 The greatest example of Mughal architecture is the Taj Mahal which was built in 1631 by Shah Jahan Mughal architecture was known for blending of Hindu & Islamic designs

28 The Decline of the Mughal Empire The Mughal Empire grew weak by 1700 as kings spent too much money on palaces & war In addition, the large population of Hindus in India began to revolt against their Muslim rulers Great Britain took advantage of this weakness, conquered India, & removed the last Mughal emperor from power in 1858

29 Conclusions The Ottomans, Safavids, & Mughals built large Islamic empires using gunpowder militaries These empires provided new contributions in law, art, & religion But, their decline by the 1800s allowed newly industrialized European nations to dominate Asia

30 Closure Activity ■ Complete the chart on the bottom of the notes that compares the 3 gunpowder empires

31 Closure activity continued ■ Create an acrostic for each empire by using at least 3 words that describe the empire Ottomans SafavidsMughals O S M

32 Quiz Time ■ Take out a sheet of paper for the quiz. ■ Put away all cell phones and electronic devices ■ No need to talk

33 Web Quest on China! 1.Explain briefly what the Mandate of Heaven meant to the ancient Chinese 2.During what Chinese Dynasty did civil service begin? 3.What Mongol ruler reunited North and South China? 4.During the Sun Dynasty, Chinese sailors used a navigator’s compass to extend trade to what areas of the world? 5.Explain the importance of Genghis Khan and list two of his accomplishments 6.Identify the dynasty that followed the Mongol Dynasty and list two of its achievements 7.Name the last Chinese dynasty and explain the significance of the queue 8.What ended the long history of ruling dynasties in China?

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