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AP World History Review Jeopardy

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1 AP World History Review Jeopardy
Periodization 3: Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9

2 Review: chapters 7-9 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Key People Key Places
FINAL JEOPARDY Key People Key Places China and SE Asia Islam Potpourri $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

3 People - $100 Question Of all the travelers along the Silk Road network, he was the best known and most celebrated, at least in the West ( ) Born and raised in the prosperous commercial city-state of Venice in Northern Italy, he was a member of a family prominent in the long distance trade of the Mediterranean & Black Sea Region At 17, he joined his father and uncle across Eurasia, specifically China under Mongol rule. Click to see answer

4 Click to return to Jeopardy Board
People - $100 Answer Who was Marco Polo? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

5 People - $200 Question Nothing more effectively conveys both the extent and cultural unity of the Islamic world than his travels… Born in Morocco, this learned Arab scholar traversed nearly 75,000 miles during his extraordinary journeys, which took him to Spain, Anatolia, West and East Africa, Arabia, Iraq, Persia, Central & SE Asia, India, & China. Click to see answer

6 Click to return to Jeopardy Board
People - $200 Answer Who was Ibn Battuta? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

7 People - $300 Question The uncle of the prophet Muhammad; his death left Muhammad vulnerable in Mecca Click to see answer

8 Click to return to Jeopardy Board
People - $300 Answer Who is Abu Talib? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

9 People - $400 Question This leader of Mali’s claim to fame was his hajj where his generosity and wealth was demonstrated wherever he went... Click to see answer

10 Click to return to Jeopardy Board
People - $400 Answer Who was Mansa Musa? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

11 She was Muhammad’s employer, a widow, who eventually became his wife.
People - $500 Question A woman! She was Muhammad’s employer, a widow, who eventually became his wife. Click to see answer

12 Click to return to Jeopardy Board
People - $500 Answer Who was Khadijah? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

13 Places - $100 Question This city, now known as Xian, was a key trading place along the Silk Road in China Click to see answer

14 Click to return to Jeopardy Board
Places - $100 Answer What is Chang’an? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

15 Places - $200 Question Medina, “the city of the prophet,” used to be known as this (before the hejira) Click to see answer

16 Click to return to Jeopardy Board
Places - $200 Answer What is Yathrib? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

17 Places - $300 Question Region of Africa, which thrived with trade via the Indian Ocean network, it blended Bantu and Arabic influences Click to see answer

18 What was the Swahili coast?
Places - $300 Answer What was the Swahili coast? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

19 Places - $400 Question West African city that thrived due to the efforts of Mansa Musa and various experts from Arabia who traveled back to help it advance Click to see answer

20 Click to return to Jeopardy Board
Places - $400 Answer What is Timbuktu? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

21 Places - $500 Question A Malay kingdom that dominated the Straits of Malacca between CE; noted for its creation of a native/ Indian hybrid culture Click to see answer

22 Click to return to Jeopardy Board
Places - $500 Answer What is Srivijaya? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

23 China & SE Asia - $100 Question
This was the first Chinese dynasty of periodization 3; known for its construction of the “Grand Canal” Click to see answer

24 China & SE Asia - $100 Answer
What is the Sui? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

25 China & SE Asia - $200 Question
While this practice painfully deformed the feet of young girls and women, it was also associated esthetically with feminine beauty, particularly in delicate and elaborately decorated shoes Click to see answer

26 China & SE Asia - $200 Answer
What is foot binding? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

27 China & SE Asia - $300 Question
Ruling dynasty of China from ; noted for its openness to foreign cultural influences. Click to see answer

28 China & SE Asia - $300 Answer
What is the Tang dynasty? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

29 China & SE Asia - $400 Question
Ruling dynasty of Chinese from , noted for its rapid economic development Click to see answer

30 China & SE Asia - $400 Answer
What is the Song Dynasty? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

31 China & SE Asia - $500 Question
Constructed in the early 12th century, this complex was designed as a state temple, dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu & lavishly decorated with scenes from Hindu mythology. By the late 13th century, it was in use by Buddhists as it is to this day. Click to see answer

32 China & SE Asia - $500 Answer
What is Angkor Wat? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

33 Islam - $100 Question Sect containing approximately 90% of all Muslims; believe that the caliphs were rightful political & military leaders, selected by the Islamic community;ISIS is considered an extremist group of this sect Click to see answer

34 Click to return to Jeopardy Board
Islam - $100 Answer What is Sunni? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

35 Islam - $200 Question Sect containing nearly 10% of all Muslims; its adherents believe that leadership in the Islamic world should derive from the line of Ali and his son Husayn, blood relatives of Muhammad Click to see answer

36 Click to return to Jeopardy Board
Islam- $200 Answer Shia Click to return to Jeopardy Board

37 Islam - $300 Question A different understanding of the faith emerged among those who saw the worldly success of Islamic civilization as a distraction and deviation from the purer spirituality of Muhammad’s time. They sought a direct and personal experience of the Divine. Known for the renunciation of the material world, meditation on the words of the Quran, chanting the names of God, the use of music and dance... Click to see answer

38 Click to return to Jeopardy Board
Islam- $300 Answer What is Sufism? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

39 Family of caliphs who ruled the Islamic world from 661 to 750 CE.
Islam - $400 Question Family of caliphs who ruled the Islamic world from 661 to 750 CE. Click to see answer

40 What is the Umayyad caliphate?
Islam - $400 Answer What is the Umayyad caliphate? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

41 Islam - $500 Question Dynasty of caliphs who ruled an increasingly fragmented Islamic state from , eventually became little more than figureheads. Capital was in Baghdad. Click to see answer

42 What is the Abbasid caliphate?
Islam - $500 Answer What is the Abbasid caliphate? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

43 The term for the leader of a mosque...
Misc. - $100 Question The term for the leader of a mosque... Click to see answer

44 Click to return to Jeopardy Board
Misc. - $100 Answer Who is the imam? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

45 Misc. - $200 Question the seasonal winds which helped facilitate trade in the Indian Ocean network Click to see answer

46 What are the monsoon winds?
Misc. - $200 Answer What are the monsoon winds? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

47 The tomb built for the wife of Shah Jahan
Misc. - $300 Question The tomb built for the wife of Shah Jahan Click to see answer

48 Click to return to Jeopardy Board
Misc. - $300 Answer What is the Taj Mahal? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

49 Religion emerging in the Punjab; drew from both Hinduism and Islam
Misc. - $400 Question Religion emerging in the Punjab; drew from both Hinduism and Islam Click to see answer

50 Click to return to Jeopardy Board
Misc. - $400 Answer What is Sikhism? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

51 Misc. - $500 Question Sufi poet who wrote,
I searched for God among the Christians and on the Cross and therein I found Him not. I went into the ancient temples of idolatry; no trace of Him was there… Finally, I looked into my own heart and there I saw him; He was nowhere else. Click to see answer

52 Click to return to Jeopardy Board
Misc. - $500 Answer Who was Rumi? Click to return to Jeopardy Board

53 FINAL Islam Click to see question

54 Final Jeopardy Question
ID the FIVE Pillars of Islam ID and explain each. Click to see answer

55 What are… Final Jeopardy Answer the shahada (proclamation of faith)
almsgiving Ramadan hajj prayer - 5 x daily Click to return to Jeopardy Board

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