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Instability of optical speckle patterns in cold atomic gases ? S.E. Skipetrov CNRS/Grenoble (Part of this.

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Presentation on theme: "Instability of optical speckle patterns in cold atomic gases ? S.E. Skipetrov CNRS/Grenoble (Part of this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instability of optical speckle patterns in cold atomic gases ? S.E. Skipetrov CNRS/Grenoble (Part of this work was done in collaboration with Roger Maynard)

2 Multiple scattering Random medium Detector Incident wave

3 Multiple scattering Random medium Detector Incident wave

4 Multiple scattering Random medium Detector Incident wave L l

5 Multiple scattering in nonlinear media Disorder Nonlinear part of the dielectric constant Main message of this talk: This intensity is NOT the average intensity ! This is speckle !

6 Instability of speckle pattern : Intuitive arguments

7 Weak nonlinearity: Self-phase modulation … in a homogeneous medium Nonlinear medium Laser beam Intensity L Deterministic nonlinear phase shift:

8 Weak nonlinearity: Self-phase modulation … in a disordered medium Nonlinear medium Laser beam Intensity L Random nonlinear phase shift : Path length l

9 Fluctuations of nonlinear phase shift Average nonlinear phase shift : Fluctuation of the nonlinear phase shift :

10 Fluctuations of nonlinear phase shift

11 Instability of speckle pattern We define a bifurcation parameter For the multiple scattering speckle pattern should become extremely sensitive to any perturbations and finally UNSTABLE where

12 Instability of speckle pattern : Diagrammatic calculation

13 Scattered field One has to sum contributions of all wave paths :

14 Scattered intensity One has to sum contributions of all pairs of wave paths :

15 Short-range correlation of intensity fluctuations

16 Long-range correlation of intensity fluctuations Langevin equation : Correlation of Langevin currents : Random Langevin currents :

17 If disorder is modified … If is modified by, will be modified by

18 Dynamic equation for Random response function with correlation given by

19 Instability of speckle pattern : Linear stability analysis


21 Frequency of oscillation Lyapunov exponent Bifurcation parameter Instability region

22 Expected manifestation of instability in experiment Time correlation of scattered field Dashed lines: Linear medium Solid lines: Nonlinear medium

23 Instability of speckle pattern : Cloud of two-level atoms

24 Two-level atom a b Detuning factor : Life time of the upper level : Transition linewidth : Saturation parameter : Saturation intensity :

25 “Cloud” of two-level atoms Number of atoms per wavelength 3 : Mean free path at resonance and for : Value of for and :

26 Scattering and nonlinearity in a cloud of atoms

27 Bifurcation parameter Realistic parameters [Labeyrie et al. PRA 67, 033814 (2003)], Rb 85 : and Instability threshold

28 Bifurcation parameter Realistic parameters [Labeyrie et al. PRA 67, 033814 (2003)], Rb 85 : Instability threshold density  2

29 Bifurcation parameter maximized over  Realistic parameters [Labeyrie et al. PRA 67, 033814 (2003)], Rb 85 : Instability threshold density  2 saturation parameter

30 Bifurcation diagram Realistic parameters [Labeyrie et al. PRA 67, 033814 (2003)], Rb 85 : saturation parameter Instability region

31 Obvious experimental difficulties Instability can be masked by thermal motion of atoms ► Temperature of the atomic cloud should be lowered Speckle dynamics beyond the threshold is not known with certainty ► One should ensure the absence of other possible sources of decorrelation At too large intensities atoms will be accelerated by the incident beam ► Instability threshold should be reached by increasing the size L of the atomic cloud and not only the laser intensity

32 Conclusions Nonlinear response of a disordered medium can render the multiple-scattering speckle pattern unstable at arbitrarily low laser intensities, provided the sample size is large enough Cold atomic gases are possible candidates for observa- tion of the instability phenomenon Full description of interaction of (powerful) laser light with atomic gases requires self-consistent treatment accounting for “scattering” of atoms on light potential

33 FIN

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