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PE Review Game Boys Ninth Grade PE. Question 1 How many laps make up one mile?

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Presentation on theme: "PE Review Game Boys Ninth Grade PE. Question 1 How many laps make up one mile?"— Presentation transcript:

1 PE Review Game Boys Ninth Grade PE

2 Question 1 How many laps make up one mile?

3 Four.

4 Question 2 Which fitness test measures muscular endurance?

5 Sit ups.

6 Question 3 How many players are on the field for each team in a football game?

7 Eleven.

8 Question 4 In which lift do you lay down flat and press the barbell above your chest?

9 Bench Press.

10 Question 5 Which of the following is not an aerobic exercise? -running 2 miles -jumping rope for 10 min. -stretching -riding a bike 15 miles

11 Stretching

12 Question 6 Which test measures flexibility?

13 Sit and Reach

14 Question 7 Weight lifting is an anaerobic activity. True of false.

15 True.

16 Question 8 How many players are one the field for a baseball team?

17 Nine.

18 Question 9 Squat and hang clean are both lifts that will increase leg strength. True of false.

19 True.

20 Question 10 If a person wants to lose weight, what do they need to do?

21 Burn more calories than they take in.

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