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High Performance Management Module 1 MGMT 489 Dr. Angela Young.

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1 High Performance Management Module 1 MGMT 489 Dr. Angela Young

2 Management Models ► What is a model? ► What are the predominant models of management?

3 Management Models ► 1900-1925 ► Rational Goal Model  Productivity and profit  Taylor ► Internal Process Model  Bureaucracy, stability, continuity  Weber, Fayol

4 Management Models ► 1926-1950 ► Human Relations Model  Carnegie, Barnard, Follett  Mayo & Roethlisberger’s Hawthorne studies  Commitment, cohesion, morale

5 Management Models ► 1951-1975 ► Open Systems Model  Katz and Kahn  Organizational flexibility and responsiveness

6 Management Models ► 1976-Today ► Both-And  All models provide useful information and ideas  Matching managerial behaviors to the situation

7 Management Models ► Competing Values Framework  Human Relations ► Collaborate  Internal Process ► Control  Rational Goal ► Compete  Open Systems ► Create

8 Developing Competencies The foundation of developing managerial skills: Self-Assessment/Self-Awareness Sound reasoning/Evaluating arguments

9 Developing Competencies ► Arguments:  Claim (Conclusion)  Grounds (Facts and Evidence)  Warrant (Bridge between claim and grounds)

10 Module 1: Creating and Sustaining Commitment and Cohesion  Understanding self and others  Communicating honestly and effectively  Mentoring and developing others  Managing groups and leading teams  Managing and encouraging constructive conflict

11 Understanding Self and Others ► Increasing self-awareness through feedback-seeking behavior  Johari Window  Self (known to self/not known)  Others (known to others/not known) ► Open, blind, hidden, unknown

12 Understanding Self and Others ► Understanding others  Empathy and empathetic listening ► Empty oneself ► Pay attention ► Accept others ► Avoid judgment ► Stay with the feeling

13 Communicating Honestly and Effectively ► Interpersonal Communication  Sender - encode - message - decode – receiver ► Barriers  Inarticulateness  Hidden agendas  Status  Hostility  Differences in communication styles

14 Mentoring and Developing Others ► Key workplace behaviors  Listening  Giving Feedback  Delegating work  Evaluating Performance  Coaching and mentoring

15 Managing Groups and Leading Teams ► Inputs – team member characteristics, team size and composition, task structure, leadership, internal organizational factors, and external organizational factors. ► Processes – how team members interact ► Outcomes – the product of the work

16 Managing Groups and Leading Teams ► Researchers note that individual factors such as team member characteristics and competencies are embedded in team-level factors such as team size and composition which are in turn embedded within contextual factors. ► So individuals can influence the outcomes but context can greatly influence team members.

17 Managing Groups and Leading Teams ► Team Player Styles  Task role – focusing on what the team must accomplish  Group maintenance role – focusing on how the team accomplishes the goal

18 Managing Groups and Leading Teams ► Communicator – team processes ► Contributor – problem-solving and decision making ► Collaborator – goal directed ► Challenger – questioning and creative

19 Managing and Encouraging Constructive Conflict ► Managing Conflict  Reaching understanding and consensus ► Functional v. dysfunctional conflict ► Approaches to resolving conflict  Avoiding, accommodating, competing approach, compromising, collaborating

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