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Wednesday August 8 th, 2012 1. Open the document “Why” on your laptop 2. Open the document “THE HISTORY CHANNEL Ape to Man” 3. Seniors check your school.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday August 8 th, 2012 1. Open the document “Why” on your laptop 2. Open the document “THE HISTORY CHANNEL Ape to Man” 3. Seniors check your school."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday August 8 th, 2012 1. Open the document “Why” on your laptop 2. Open the document “THE HISTORY CHANNEL Ape to Man” 3. Seniors check your school email. 4. Preview notes 5. Watch Video—20 min. 6. Read p. 37-39 7. Download Exploring the Past activity 3—group challenge ^ 8. Binder/folder 8/9/2012 9. Quiz Tuesday 14 th, 2012


3 “Where did we come from?” central questions concerned human beings throughout the centuries culture Nation societies have in the 19th century, scientists developed new theories of “evolution”.

4 Ape to Man, chronicles the major anthropological and archaeological discoveries of the 19th and 20th centuries, revealing the ways scientific methods were first used to trace the path of humankind. scientists like Charles Dawson Raymond Dart Leakey’s their key theories and how they arrived at their findings.

5 Prehistory Video….fact or fiction accurate reenactments of the early human ancestors Why? gain insights into what life might have been like millions of years in the past key theories? documentary traces the ways scientists have studied humankind. historical framework for discussions of the origins of humanity.

6 Ape to Man - History Channel edmU2o&feature=related edmU2o&feature=related

7 Future 1. Flow Map personal Timeline

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