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Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević G10, room 6/I, Tue 11:30-12:30 Session 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević G10, room 6/I, Tue 11:30-12:30 Session 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević G10, room 6/I, Tue 11:30-12:30 e-mail: Session 5

2 Separation of Powers Legal Systems Sources and Varieties of English Law Statute Law in Britain

3 1. _______ is another word for duress, which means forcing someone to do something. 2. Law is a system of rules with a certain social _______. 3. Failure to _______ to the law may lead to penalties. 4. When you break the law, this is called a(n) _______. 5. The legislature enacts laws and the courts _______ them. 6. Laws are _______ by governments. They also reserve the right to punish _______ which can be interpreted as _______, which means disregard, or violation of the law.

4 1. COERCION is another word for duress, which means forcing someone to do something. 2. Law is a system of rules with a certain social PURPOSE. 3. Failure to CONFORM to the law may lead to penalties. 4. When you break the law, this is called a(n) INFRACTION. 5. The legislature enacts laws and the courts ENFORCE them. 6. Laws are IMPOSED by governments. They also reserve the right to punish CONDUCT which can be interpreted as NEGLECT, which means disregard, or violation of the law.

5 1. _______ is a matter of international criminal law. 2. Equity provides alternative legal _______ to those of _______ law courts. 3. _______ law is the opposite of procedural (adjectival) law. 4. Common law can refer to the legal system or only one of four _______ of English law. 5. Signing international _______ is a matter of international public law. 6. The English law includes laws based on customs, judicial _______ and laws _______ by Parliament.

6 1. EXTRADITION is a matter of international criminal law. 2. Equity provides alternative legal REMEDIES to those of COMMON law courts. 3. SUBSTANTIVE law is the opposite of procedural (adjectival) law. 4. Common law can refer to the legal system or only one of four SOURCES of English law. 5. Signing international TREATIES is a matter of international public law. 6. The English law includes laws based on customs, judicial PRECEDENTS and laws ENACTED by Parliament.

7  The four sources of English law are common law, e_________, s________ law and EU law.  Common law was introduced after the invasion of the Norman French in __________ (year!).  The following areas of law are considered public law: a__________ law, c__________ law, c__________ law and r__________ law.

8  The four sources of English law are common law, equity, statute law and EU law.  Common law was introduced after the invasion of the Norman French in 1066 (year!).  The following areas of law are considered public law: administrative law, constitutional law, criminal law and revenue law.

9  Queen opening Parliament  Introduction to Parliament  House of Commons AFC4FF75A3725  House of Lords wVllfyvGfU&list=PL7F1AFC4FF75A3725&index=3

10  The British Parliament consists of the s__________ (the Queen), the House of __________, and the House of __________. They debate b __________ and if both Houses approve, the Queen must give the R_________ A__________ before it can become an A________ of Parliament.

11  The British Parliament consists of the sovereign (the Queen), the House of Commons, and the House of Lords. They debate bills and if both Houses approve, the Queen must give the Royal Assent before it can become an Act of Parliament.

12 1. What is Her Majesty’s Government? 2. What is the Queen in Parliament? 3. Who are MPs and peers? 4. What are the two tasks the Queen performs in Parliament? 5. Why does the Commons have more power? 6. What is the difference between public and private bills/acts?

13 The division between public and private law is considered very important in English law. Generally speaking, private law includes those areas of law involving private citizens, while public law is that area of law in which the state has a direct interest. Thus public law is generally considered to consist of administrative and constitutional law. Revenue law and criminal law might be added to this. But still there remains some ambiguity, as for example in the case of an ordinary civil action (breach of contract) against a public authority.

14 Podjela na javno i privatno pravo smatra se vrlo važnom u engleskom pravu. Općenito govoreći, privatno pravo uključuje ona područja prava koja se tiču privatnih osoba, dok je javno pravo područje prava u kojem država ima izravan interes. Stoga se općenito smatra da javno pravo uključuje upravno i ustavno pravo. Tu možemo dodati porezno i kazneno pravo. No još uvijek postoje nejasnoće, kao u primjeru obične gra đ anske parnice (kršenje ugovora) pokrenute protiv javnog tijela.

15 Thank you for your attention!

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