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The Rise of Modern China

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1 The Rise of Modern China
Four Modernizations One Child Policy Tiananmen Square Massacre China Today The Rise of Modern China

2 Post Mao Four Modernizations - 1978
Economic policy under Deng Xiaoping Mixed-economy Four aspects Agriculture Industry National Defense (People’s Liberation Army) Science and Technology

3 China opens markets and allows foreign investment
Large industry were state-run Small businesses/enterprise were individually run Again…What kind of an economy is this called? PLA focused on internal control Largest army in world Education emphasized math and the sciences

4 One Child Policy (1978 - ?) Introduced by Deng Xiaoping
Belief that population limits growth of country Need more food, clothes, infrastructure, jobs, cars Need a strong central government – not as successful in India Births per women have dropped from over 3 in the late 70s to 1.8 in 2008 million fewer people

5 "For a prosperous, powerful nation and a happy family, please use birth planning."

6 Human Rights Violation?
Over 20,000 forced abortions in 2001 in Huaiji County in Guangdong Province Eugenics  People with “unsatisfactory” physical/mental conditions are forbidden to marry Most violations occur at local level in rural areas

7 More boys… Male sons preferred
Estimated that there will be 30 million more men than women by 2020 Unfair implementation  wealthy and government officials able to avoid penalties/fines "4-2-1 Problem"

8 "It is forbidden to discriminate against, mistreat or abandon baby girls."

9 Tiananmen Square The rising standard of living and economy led to an increase of political rights and representation Student protests Want democracy/accountability Government responds with army Thousands massacred Political reform put on hold


11 Mao versus the Goddess of Democracy


13 After the soldiers reclaim the square

14 Tank Man!

15 Ten Years Later

16 Victoria Park, Hong Kong - 1999

17 Tiananmen Square Today
Soldiers – yes Violence – no


19 Mao’s Mausoleum Tiananmen Square is directly behind his mausoleum

20 Monument to the People’s Heroes

21 Soldiers can be tourists too

22 Forbidden City The Forbidden City is opposite Mao’s mausoleum at the other end of the Square

23 Well manicured shrubbery and fountains

24 No tanks – just tourists…

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