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Green Urbanism Science of Sustainable Design October 7, 2010.

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1 Green Urbanism Science of Sustainable Design October 7, 2010

2 Goals Understand principles of green urbanism Become familiar with urban design history of the U.S. Understand how sustainable design principles can be applied in the urban environment Understand the impacts of green urbanist projects on the carbon cycle, water cycle, etc.





7 Green Urbanism Principles Apply green building principles, processes, and technologies at the neighborhood scale. Make connections between buildings, infrastructure, and natural systems. Retrofit existing urban areas to accommodate green buildings and infrastructure. Build catalytic projects.

8 green building Acros Fukuoaka, Japan

9 green building Acros Fukuoaka, Japan

10 Green Alleys Water is allowed to enter the soil through the pavement, which consists of permeable concrete or porous asphalt The water, filtered through stone beds under the permeable surface layer, recharges the underground water table Water does not end up as polluted runoff in rivers and streams The cost of construction is offset by what it would have paid for maintenance and sewer improvements for the old ones green building

11 Permeable Pavers green building

12 Permeable Concrete green building

13 Permeable Concrete green building

14 Grasscrete green building

15 Chicago’s Alleys 2,000 miles of small service streets- the paved equivalent of five midsize airports Prone to flooding Need to be resurfaced periodically green building

16 Emerald Necklace, Boston linkages

17 Emerald Necklace, Boston Many sites were connected through a system of green infrastructure Accessibility by all classes of citizens by all means of transportation Entire system designed to filter and absorb stormwater Led to economic development of the surrounding areas linkages

18 Railways, Europe

19 linkages Rinstrasse, Vienna

20 Gas Works Park, Seattle retrofit

21 Gas Works Park, Seattle retrofit

22 Urban Agriculture, Detroit retrofit

23 Urban Agriculture, Detroit retrofit

24 Urban Agriculture, Detroit retrofit

25 Green Lanes, New York retrofit

26 IBA Emscher Park, Germany Former German center for industry and production Emscher River had been channelized and used for the transport of industrial and human waste catalysts

27 IBA Emscher Park, Germany Restoration of the river Creation of seven green corridors to link prominent redevelopment projects Corridors parallel historical development of the region “Buffer zone” between the parks acts as riverside recreation space Visible evidence of ecological process stands as a symbol of the improvement of the region catalysts

28 Duisburg-Nord Park, Germany Attention to how people can interface with remediation Creative recreational opportunities Spaces between building used for new uses catalysts

29 Hudson River Park, New York catalysts

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