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LHCb results Evgeny Gushchin (INR RAS) for the LHCb collaboration LHCb Collaboration: 755 Members, from 55 Institutes in 15 Countries.

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1 LHCb results Evgeny Gushchin (INR RAS) for the LHCb collaboration LHCb Collaboration: 755 Members, from 55 Institutes in 15 Countries

2 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow Outline Introduction –LHC as B-factory LHCb is B-meson experiment for search NP in CPV and rare decays –Experimental technique and key performances Physics program and selected Results Conclusion

3 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow Search for New Physics beyond SM at LHC Search for new particles with observable masses produced directly in pp collisions As virtual contribution of new heavy particles i.e. to loop and box diagrams in FCNC : i.e. it can change values, phases and/or Lorentz structure of couplings. i.e. Higgs, SupersymmetryAND/OR measurable as deviation from SM precise prediction for heavy quark processes, i.e. for B,D mesons: in rare decays in CP violation phase (mixing and decay) Very good statistics: Very large bb-production Very good detector: –Selective/efficient trigger –PID –Excellent mass and time resolution LHCb @ LHC!!!

4 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow LHC as B - factory Very high luminosity – 2.4*10 33 (nominal-10 34 )cm -2 sec -1 High production cross-section (@3.5TeV): –~300µb ( pp  bb X) and ~6.1mb ( pp  cc X) –But also ~65 mb for minimum-bias Annual yield (in LHCb) – > 10 11 BB-pair and 20xDD. To reduce L0 rate > 10 MHz to 2-3 kHz VERY selective trigger is necessary! Trigger on low p T tracks with efficient PID Tevatron: instant luminosity reached ~4*10 32 /cm 2 /s and total L~11/fb. Cross-sections bb is 3 times lower than at LHC. B-pairs are produced mainly in forward and backward directions: Single-arm spectrometer covering ~4% of open angle has ~40% acceptance. All b-species: B + : B 0 : B 0 s : Λ 0 b : B c 40%:40%:10%:10%:0.1% In LHCb: ~1 of 200 collisions with b-quark ! ~1 of 10 - with c-quark !

5 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow LHCb detector LHCb is forward spectrometer optimized for studies of CPV and B-meson rare decays LHCb key performances: Vertex/proper time resolution : VELO PID: RICH, Calorimeter, Muon system Mass resolution: Tracker ~4Tm p-p interaction point

6 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow LHCb detector and trigger efficiency Detector subsystems are ~99% efficient! Trigger has very high selection efficiency! Muon trigger (J/  ) eff ~ 95% Hadron trigger (D 0 ) eff ~ 60% PTPT PTPT PTPT L0 e,  L0 had L0  High p T track Non-zero impact parameter HARDWARE SOFTWARE Inclusive selections: , ,  +track, charm, .. + Exclusive selections Global reconstruction Storage 3 kHz 30 kHz 40 MHz <1 MHz Level-0 HLT1 HLT2 Average event size ~35 kB

7 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow Vertex / Time resolution LHCb lifetime measurements using 36 pb -1 of 2010 data – world class! 1.638 ± 0.011 1.525 ± 0.009 1.477 ± 0.046 1.391 ± 0.038 PDG [ps]LHCb-CONF-2011-001 [ps] Vertex Locator (VELO) provides excellent proper time resolution of ~50 fs Both statistical and systematical errors are expected to be significantly improved with 2011 data!

8 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow Mass resolution Mass resolution is based on precise momentum measurement with LHCb magnet and tracker: Δp/p<0.5% up to 100 GeV/c LHCb-CONF-2011-027: masses [MeV/c 2 ] 5279.17 ± 0.29 5279.50 ± 0.30 5366.30 ± 0.60 5620.2 ± 1.6 6277 ± 6 PDG [MeV/c 2 ] B u +  J/ψ K + B s 0  J/ψ φ 2010 L=35 pb -1 World-best mass measurements! With 2010 data! 2010 L=35 pb -1 11151±115 events  =10.50±0.10 MeV/c 2 816±30 events  = 6.96±0.25 MeV/c 2

9 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow Particle Identification Hadron PID – RICH1 and RICH2 Muon PID – Muon system photon/electron/hadron PID – SPD/PRS/ECAL/HCAL  0  (no conversions) X  RICH PID absolutely necessary to identify charged hadrons in B  hh  E = 7.2 MeV/c 2

10 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow LHCb operation LHCb collected ~37 pb -1 in 2010 and already ~ 700 pb -1 recorded in 2011 By end of 2011 LHCb hopes to collect 1 fb -1 nominal µ =0.4 LHC reached nominal peak luminosity of 2.4*10 33 cm -2 s -1 with number of bunches is ~1300 from ~2600. LHCb recording >1pb -1 /hour running at L~3.5*10 32 cm -2 sec -1 in auto-leveling mode GPD luminosity is  4 times higher than LHCb Visual average number of vertexes per BX now is ~  3 times larger than nominal µ =0.4 ( in 2010 ~  6 larger ) 1 PV gives ~30 tracks/rapidity unit Higher µ means higher track multiplicity, that is dangerous for reconstruction LHCb luminosity auto-leveling LHC performs well! ~30 pb-1 for LHCb in 29 h in single fill ! dL/dt ~ 100 pb -1 /week ! 2010 nominal µ =0.4 2011

11 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow LHCb physics program and key measurements LHCb is optimized for study of CP-violation and rare decays in B-mesons. LHCb physics program includes measurements: CP-violation in B +,B 0,B s –Prospects for  -angle measurement Tree-level processes (B  DX), Loop processes (charmless B decays) –Direct CP-violation (B  K  ) –Mixing induced CPV (  s ) Rare decays &NP –B d → K*µµ –B s → µµ –… Quarkonia studies Physics with charm Soft QCD Electroweak physics (W,Z) More studies are presented today in LHCb talks by Vladislav Balagura, Pavel Krokovny and Dasha Savrina Highlights in this talk     

12 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow CKM – matrix is measured very precisely. Great jobs done by B-factories and others. Less constrained  -angle : combinated “trees” & “loops”:  = (67±4)° from “trees” only:  = (73 +22 -25 )° Prospects for  - measurements with “trees”: (based on Gronau-London-Wyler & Atwood-Dunietz-Soni methods + time-dependent + Dalitz-plot analysis ) To combine B s  D s ± K ±, B 0  DK *0 and B ±  DK ±  (  )~5° with 2 fb -1 B s  D s - K + (D s + K - ) decays under study, time-dependent analysis (A cp   -  M )  M – B s mixing phase well constrained in B s →Ј/ψФ - at first step ∆m s measurement using B s  D s  B ±  DK ± decays using common mode for D 0 &D 0  K +  - Mode more suppressed for D 0 and favored for D 0 maximizes interference: D 0  K +  - (DCS) and D 0  K +  - (CF) But total branching very small (~10 -7 ) Preliminary: evidence for suppressed ADS mode at 4.0  with 343 pb -1. Ratio to favored mode:  -angle measurements  “trees” World average (without LHCb): 1.6 ± 0.3 -0.58 ± 0.21 PLB270,75(1991); PRL78,3257(1997) World-class measurement!

13 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow Measurement of ∆m s ∆m s – mixing frequency in B s Used ~1381 B 0 s decays from 2010 data: Combining the 4 decays allows suppress decay-specific features To be used in time-dependent CPV studies Likelihood scan for ∆ms LHCb-CONF-2011-005, CERN-PAPER-2011-010 World-class measurement! World average: ∆m s = 17.77 ± 0.10 ± 0.07 ps -1

14 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow Direct CP asymmetry measurement in B 0 d,s →K  LHCb with L=320pb -1 of 2011 data already has done: B 0 →K  - the most precise single measurement and first 5σ observation at hadron machine! B 0 s →K  - the first evidence of CP-violation in B s decay! LHCb-CONF-2011-042 A cp (B 0 →Kπ) = -0.088±0.011(stat) ±0.008(syst) To be compared with world average: -0.098 +0.012 -0.011 A cp (B s →Kπ) = 0.27±0.08(stat) ±0.02(syst) First LHCb result (with 37pb -1 data of 2010) LHCb-CONF-2011-011 A cp (B 0 →K + π־)= -0.074±0.033(stat) ±0.008(syst) A cp (B 0 s →K־ π + )= -0.15±0.19(stat) ±0.02(syst) HFAG: A cp (B 0 →K + π־)= -0.098 +0.012 -0.011 CDF: A cp (B 0 s →K־ π + )= 0.39±0.15(stat) ±0.08(syst) Raw asymmetry (has to be corrected for detector and production asymmetry)

15 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow LHCb result on f s /f d Very important for absolute branching measurements like B s  The ratio of fragmentation fractions f s /f d is measured by LHCb: In hadronic decays, via relative abundance of B 0 s →D־ s  + to B 0 →D ־K + and B 0 →D־  + LHCb-PAPER-2011-006, submit. To PRL In semileptonic decays LHCb-CONF-2011-028 And combined result LHCb-CONF-2011-034

16 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow Quarkonium studies LHCb quarkonium physics program is rich and promising: Heavy quarkonium states –give impact to theory (NRQCD..) –exotic states: molecular type state, tetraquark (?) + Related production studies – test QCD models in forward region Highlights : X(3872), X(4140), χ c, χ b New exciting results are expected in future: –  (2S) and  (3S) production –J/  polarization (p T,y) –X(3872) quantum numbers and precise mass –Z ± (4430) confirmation and Z b existence –New states? See also Vladislav’s talk today

17 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow Production studies at LHCb Many new results for flavour production were obtained with 2010 data: pp  b b X pp  J/  X pp  F X W,Z  (1S) B c +  c pp  J/  J/  X Test QCD model (tetraquark?) LHCb-CONF-2011-012 LHCb-CONF-2011-016 LHCb-CONF-2011-017 LHCb-CONF-2011-020 LHCb-PAPER-2011-013 Test QCD model in Forward region LHCb-PAPER-2011-007 first observation in p-p collisions

18 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow X(3872)  J/   +  - Unknown quantum numbers. Not excluded conventional charmonium state  c2 (1D), but predicted mass is far bellow. Can be exotic state: molecular 1 ++ (D*D 0 most popular) or tetraquark. X(3872) production cross-section (LHCb-CONF-2011-043) Mass measurement X(3872) (LHCb-CONF-2011-021) M X(3872) = 3871.96 ± 0.46(stat) ± 0.10 (syst) MeV/c 2 To test molecular state mass precision has to be <0.1 MeV/c2 – in prompt. Quantum numbers have to be identified in B-decays. 2010 data Search for X(4140) CDF observed a 5σ peak in the B + →J/ψ φ K + channel. Candidate for exotic bounds state Preliminary (LHCb-CONF-2011-045) LHCb with 376 pb -1 : 364 ± 20 of B + →J/ψ φ K + sample after φ –mass cut. ~3.2 times more than CDF with 6fb -1. Fit (LHCb): 7 ± 5 events Scaled from CDF data : 39 ± 9 ± 6 events CDF arXiv:1101.6058 LHCb does not confirm presence of X(4140)

19 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow Production of χ c  J/   P-wave charmonium state ECAL only detection of photons: with/without conversion States separation is done by fit of mass-spectrum with both states χ c1 χ c2 209k χ c with 35.6 pb -1 (2010) LHCb-CONF-2011-020 Test NRQCD: colour singlet + colour octet Discrepancy at low p T Observation of  b   (1S)  In order to interpret measurements of the  production and polarization the feeddown from higher bottomonium states has to be understood. According to Pythia MC, ~ 40% of  (1S) come from ­  b. A clear signal for  b production is seen. The photon is reconstructed only with the calorimeter info. Can not do a separation of the states yet.

20 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow Expecting world best measurements  s, Δm s soon! CP-violation phase in B s -mixing : B s →Ј/ψФ Year 2010: N sig =836 ± 60 LHCb-CONF-2011-006: data from 2010 L=36 pb -1 “Toy” Monte-Carlo using 2010 data as distribution function, but for 10xlarger statistics Results for 2011 data with much larger statistics are coming very soon -> expecting world best measurement of  s ! Year 2011: Standard Model value, probability = 22%(1.2σ) Dominant contribution – tree-level diagram Contribution from “penguin” is small (10 -3 – 10 -4 ) Interference between direct decay and decay via mixing gives CPV phase:  s =  M -2  D In Standard Model  s  2  s = -2arg(V ts V tb * /V cs V cb * )  - 0.0363 ± 0.0017 rad Search for New Physics in mixing:  s =  s SM +  s NP See also Pavel’s talk today

21 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow Other channels relevant for  s measurement “ Penguin ” diagram dominated can help to control penguin effect in Bs→Ј/ψФ for  s extraction : B s →ФФ B s →K * K * - The first observation ! Can help to extract  s and  B s →Ј/ψK * B s →K + K ־ - Most precise lifetime measurement ! Box diagram dominated can be used for  s measurement : B s →Ј/ψf 0 (980) - The first observation ! CP-odd eigenstate B s →Ј/ψf 2 ’(1525) - The first observation ! Phys. Lett. B 698 (2011) 115 LHCb-CONF-2011-035 LHCb-CONF-2011-018 LHCb-CONF-2011-019 LHCb-CONF-2011-025

22 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow Results are consistent with SM prediction for forward-backward asymmetry A FB, longitudinal polarization FL and differential brunching fraction dBF/dq 2 : Statistical errors are dominated now and will be improved with more data. Systematical error is also expected to be improved with more statistics. Search for NP in rare decays: B d → K*µµ The most known observable sensitive to NP is A FB Current status: no evidence of zero-crossing point A FB (q 2 ) predicted in SM LHCb can reach precision for ZCP Δq 2 < 0.5 GeV 2 at 2 fb -1 LHCb with 309 pb -1 achieved (preliminary) the most precise measurement to date LHCb-CONF-2011-038 BaBar [PRD 79 (2009)], Belle [PRL 103 (2009)], CDF [PRL 106 (2011)] See also Dasha’s talk today

23 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow Prospect: B s,d → µµ Prospect on the base of 37 pb -1 (2010): ~2 fb -1 will reach exclusion at SM level Observation will need more statistics Golden mode: B s,d → µµ Ultra rare decays (FCNC and helicity suppressed) SM predicts (via box and penguin diagrams): BR( B s → µµ ) = (3.2 ± 0.2) · 10 -9 BR( B d → µµ ) = (1.1 ± 0.1) · 10 -10 With ~300 pb-1 of LHCb data at SM level after selection: ~3.2 B s → µµ and ~0.32 B d → µµ events CDF reported the observation: BR( B s → µµ ) = (1.8 +1.1 -0.9 ) · 10 -8 arxiv: 1107.2304 LHCb presents preliminary result with 300 pb -1 LHCb-CONF-2011-037: BR( B s 0 → µµ ) = 1.3 (1.6) · 10 -8 at 90%(95%)C.L. BR( B 0 → µµ ) = 4.2 (5.2) · 10 -9 at 90%(95%)C.L. Combining with preliminary result with 37 pb -1 PLB 699(2011) 330,[hep-ex/1103.2165] BR( B s 0 → µµ ) = 1.2 (1.5) · 10 -8 at 90%(95%)C.L. Combining with CMS observation LHCb-CONF-2011-047: BR( B s 0 → µµ ) = 0.9 (1.1) · 10 -8 at 90%(95%)C.L. Excess seen by CDF is not confirmed! ~1 fb -1 allows a considerable constrain on MSSM Most-precise measurement!

24 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow Conclusion In 2010-2011 LHCb collected more than 700 pb -1 of rich data demonstrating: –Very good performance of trigger and data taking –Ability to work efficiently in hadronic environment –Ability to work with much larger luminosity than nominal (2  L -instant luminosity and 6   - PV av. number)! With 2010 data LHCb already has got competitive results with B-factories and Tevatron LHCb provided many world-class measurements: –First observations of many B-decay modes –Production of heavy flavour quarks and quarkonium states –World-best single measurement of direct CPV in B 0 s →K  –World-class measurements of CPV phase  s, ∆m s –Most precise measurements of rare decays B d → K*µµ, B s → µµ Expecting ~1 fb -1 of data this year and many most-precise measurements very soon! LHCb searches for New Physics with unprecedented precision!

25 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow Thank You!

26 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow BACK-UP

27 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow LHCb prospects for upgrade LHCb sensitivities for key observables CERN-LHCC-2011-001

28 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow First observations of B-decays in LHCb B s  DK* LHCb-CONF-2011-008 B  DK  CS-mode, can be used for  -measurements LHCb-CONF-2011-024 B   (2s)  LHCb-CONF-2011-014 – mixing CP B s  J/  K* penguin-suppressed LHCb-CONF-2011-025 B s  K* bar K* time-dependent CP LHCb-CONF-2011-019 PLB 698(2011)14 B s  J/  f 0 (980) mixing phase PLB 698(2011)115 B s  J/  f 2 ’ (1525) mixing phase LHCb-CONF-2011-035 B c  J/   first observation LHCb-CONF-2011-040

29 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow Search for NP effects in B d → K*µµ In SM via FCNC (box and penguin diagrams) Helicity structure is sensitive to right-handed and new scalar operators The most known observable sensitive to NP is A FB Current status: no evidence of zero-crossing point A FB (q 2 ) predicted in SM LHCb can reach precision for ZCP Δq 2 < 0.5 GeV 2 at 2 fb -1

30 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow Results are consistent with SM prediction for forward-backward asymmetry A FB, longitudinal polarization FL and differential brunching fraction dBF/dq 2 : Statistical errors are dominated now and will improved with more data. Systematical error is also expected to be improved with more statistics. LHCb analysis and results B d → K*µµ Analysis strategy: Events selection using Boosted Decision Tree (composition of topological and kinematical observables) Correction for non-uniformity of reconstruction and selection MC check with control channels Validation using B d →Ј/ψK * Fit the angular observables LHCb with 309 pb -1 achieved (preliminary) the most precise measurement to date BaBar [PRD 79 (2009)], Belle [PRL 103 (2009)], CDF [PRL 106 (2011)]

31 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow CP-violation in B s mixing: B s →Ј/ψФ Dominant contribution – tree-level diagram Contribution from “penguin” is small (10 -3 – 10 -4 ) Interference between direct decay and decay via mixing gives CPV phase:  s =  M -2  D In Standard Model  s  2  s = -2arg(V ts V tb * /V cs V cb * )  - 0.0363 ± 0.0017 rad Search New Physics in mixing:  s =  s SM +  s NP Strategy to measure  s : Trigger and select B s →Ј/ψФ events measure proper time Measure transversity angles of final decay products to disentangle CP -odd and –even states Tag initial flavor Fit  s with other unknown parameters LHCb relevant results: LHCb-CONF-2011-001: Lifetime measurements of b →Ј/ψX LHCb-CONF-2011-005: from B s →D s  Δm s = 17.63 ± 0.11(stat) ± 0.04(syst) Flavour tagging studies: LHCb-CONF-2011-002: B s →Ј/ψФ : Γ s = (0.680 ± 0.034stat ± 0.027syst) ps -1 Δ Γ s = (0.084 ± 0.112stat ± 0.021syst) ps -1 LHCb-CONF-2011-003: Tagging efficiency measurements LHCb-CONF-2011-004: Time dependent analysis B 0 →Ј/ψK s Decay  D Mixing  M See also Pavel’s talk today

32 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow Expecting world best measurements  s, Δm s soon! CP-violation phase results: B s →Ј/ψФ Year 2010: N sig =836 ± 60 LHCb-CONF-2011-006: data from 2010 L=36 pb -1 “Toy” Monte-Carlo using 2010 data as distribution function, but for 10xlarger statistics Results for 2011 data with much larger statistics are coming very soon -> expecting world best measurement of  s ! Year 2011: Standard Model value, probability = 22%(1.2σ)

33 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow Rare decays: B s,d → µµ Ultra rare decays (FCNC and helicity suppressed) SM predicts (via box and penguin diagrams): BR( B s → µµ ) = (3.2 ± 0.2) · 10 -9 BR( B d → µµ ) = (1.1 ± 0.1) · 10 -10 CDF reported the observation: BR( B s → µµ ) = (1.8 +1.1 -0.9 ) · 10 -8 arxiv: 1107.2304 With ~300 pb-1 of LHCb data at SM level after selection: ~3.2 B s → µµ and ~0.32 B d → µµ events LHCb presents preliminary result with 300 pb -1 LHCb-CONF-2011-037: BR( B s 0 → µµ ) = 1.3 (1.6) · 10 -8 at 90%(95%)C.L. BR( B 0 → µµ ) = 4.2 (5.2) · 10 -9 at 90%(95%)C.L. Combining with preliminary result with 37 pb -1 PLB 699(2011) 330,[hep-ex/1103.2165] BR( B s 0 → µµ ) = 1.2 (1.5) · 10 -8 at 90%(95%)C.L. Combining with CMS observation LHCb-CONF-2011-047: BR( B s 0 → µµ ) = 0.9 (1.1) · 10 -8 at 90%(95%)C.L. Excess seen by CDF is not confirmed

34 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow Prospect: B s,d → µµ Prospect on the base of 37 pb -1 (2010): ~2 fb -1 will reach exclusion at SM level Observation will need more statistics ~1 fb -1 allows a considerable constrain on MSSM

35 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow LHCb-CONF-2011-019 The first observation of B s →K * K * Can help to extract  s and  Other channels relevant for  s “ Penguin ” diagram dominated: B s →ФФ B s →K * K * B s →Ј/ψK * B s →K + K ־ LHCb-CONF-2011-025 Assuming all events are from K*→K  for mass |M(K  )-M(K*)|<150 MeV Can help to control penguin effect in Bs→Ј/ψФ for  s extraction LHCb-CONF-2011-018 Most precise lifetime measurement of B s →K + K ־ Can be used to put constrains on  s and Δ Γ s

36 XV Lomonosov conference, Moscow Other channels sensitive for  s Box diagram dominated: B s →Ј/ψf 0 (980) B s →Ј/ψf 2 ’(1525) Phys. Lett. B 698 (2011) 115 The first observation of B s →Ј/ψf 0 (980) Statistics of 2010 ~34 pb -1 CP odd eigenstate LHCb-CONF-2011-035 The first observation of B s →Ј/ψf 2 ’(1525) Can be used for  s measurement Statistics of 2010 ~34 pb -1 + 125 pb -1 of 2011

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