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Oedipus Antigone and Sophocles. Sophocles Born 495 BC of wealthy merchant parents – probably in Attica Born 495 BC of wealthy merchant parents – probably.

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Presentation on theme: "Oedipus Antigone and Sophocles. Sophocles Born 495 BC of wealthy merchant parents – probably in Attica Born 495 BC of wealthy merchant parents – probably."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oedipus Antigone and Sophocles

2 Sophocles Born 495 BC of wealthy merchant parents – probably in Attica Born 495 BC of wealthy merchant parents – probably in Attica Wrote over 120 plays – only seven have survived Wrote over 120 plays – only seven have survived Was also a priest, director of the Treasury and served on the Board of Generals Was also a priest, director of the Treasury and served on the Board of Generals Acted in his own plays Acted in his own plays Is considered the first to add a third actor, to create an entire tragedy in one play rather than three, possibly the first to use painted scenery Is considered the first to add a third actor, to create an entire tragedy in one play rather than three, possibly the first to use painted scenery

3 Three Oedipus plays by Sophocles: Oedipus Rex (Oedipus the King) – the discovery of what Oedipus has done to cause misery in Thebes… Oedipus Rex (Oedipus the King) – the discovery of what Oedipus has done to cause misery in Thebes… Oedipus at Colonus - Oedipus’ death in exile… Oedipus at Colonus - Oedipus’ death in exile… Antigone – the story of Oedipus’ daughter Antigone – the story of Oedipus’ daughter

4 The story of Oedipus Rex King Laius of Thebes and wife Jocasta have a baby. King Laius of Thebes and wife Jocasta have a baby. The oracle says to Laius: Your son will be your death!! The oracle says to Laius: Your son will be your death!! The baby is sent to be abandoned on the mountain. The baby is sent to be abandoned on the mountain. A shepherd saves him, calls him Oedipus and gives him to the childless King and Qeen of Corinth to raise. A shepherd saves him, calls him Oedipus and gives him to the childless King and Qeen of Corinth to raise.

5 Oedipus grows up… The oracle tells Oedipus: You will kill your father and marry your mother. The oracle tells Oedipus: You will kill your father and marry your mother. Oedipus leaves home to avoid this fate. Oedipus leaves home to avoid this fate. He meets King Laius at a crossroads; they fight and Oedipus kills….. his father He meets King Laius at a crossroads; they fight and Oedipus kills….. his father

6 Oedipus and the Sphynx The Sphynx met all travelers on the way to Thebes and asked a riddle – if they failed, they were eaten, if successful, they continued their journey. The Sphynx met all travelers on the way to Thebes and asked a riddle – if they failed, they were eaten, if successful, they continued their journey. The riddle: What walks on four feet in the morning, two in the afternoon and three at night?

7 A wedding, children… and misery! Oedipus enters Thebes and, as defeater of the Sphynx, is crowned king. Oedipus enters Thebes and, as defeater of the Sphynx, is crowned king. He marries Jocasta, the queen. He marries Jocasta, the queen. They have four children: daughters Antigone and Ismene; sons Polynices and Eteocles. They have four children: daughters Antigone and Ismene; sons Polynices and Eteocles. Thebes begins to suffer from famine, plagues, other disasters. Thebes begins to suffer from famine, plagues, other disasters.

8 Discovery and exile Oedipus sends the question to the oracle: What is going on? How can I help Thebes? Oedipus sends the question to the oracle: What is going on? How can I help Thebes? The answer is: Get rid of Laius’ killer. The answer is: Get rid of Laius’ killer. Prophet Tiresias says: You are Laius’ killer – and he was your father! Prophet Tiresias says: You are Laius’ killer – and he was your father! Oedipus stabs his eyes out, Jocasta hangs herself, Oedipus leaves. Oedipus stabs his eyes out, Jocasta hangs herself, Oedipus leaves. Antigone goes with him. Antigone goes with him.

9 Creon & Oedipus’ sons Jocasta’s brother, Creon takes over as regent until Eteocles and Polynices grow up. Jocasta’s brother, Creon takes over as regent until Eteocles and Polynices grow up. They are then to share being king – one every year. They are then to share being king – one every year. Oedipus dies in Colona and Antigone returns to Thebes Oedipus dies in Colona and Antigone returns to Thebes Eteocles refuses to give up kingship. Eteocles refuses to give up kingship. Polynices brings army against him. Polynices brings army against him. Both are killed Both are killed The play Antigone begins The play Antigone begins

10 Greek Plays The action takes place within one day The action takes place within one day No more than three actors on stage (plus chorus) No more than three actors on stage (plus chorus) Chorus gives background information Chorus gives background information No women actors No women actors Actors wore masks Actors wore masks

11 Greek Theater Historically The first recorded theatrical presentation took place in 600 BC The first recorded theatrical presentation took place in 600 BC They began as festivals honoring gods They began as festivals honoring gods Greeks were fascinated by the idea of tragedy and comedy and explored it in their plays Greeks were fascinated by the idea of tragedy and comedy and explored it in their plays Theaters were open air on the slopes of hills Theaters were open air on the slopes of hills Some held as many as 14,000 audience members Some held as many as 14,000 audience members Greek plays still performed today Greek plays still performed today

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