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Sound By georgia forde. Non diegetic sound Non diegetic sound is the sound that is added in after the film has been made, sometimes non diegetic sound.

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Presentation on theme: "Sound By georgia forde. Non diegetic sound Non diegetic sound is the sound that is added in after the film has been made, sometimes non diegetic sound."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sound By georgia forde

2 Non diegetic sound Non diegetic sound is the sound that is added in after the film has been made, sometimes non diegetic sound can tell important clues into a story so it is important the sound is crystal clear to an audience so they have a better understanding of what is going on. Non diegetic sound can be any type of sound, it could even dialogue if the video you were watching what needed a voice over, the sound would then be added in after in the editing process. Non diegetic sound can also be music, but you would need to get permission of the artist if it is ok to use their song or this would be copyright. Non-diegetic sound can also be natural noises like an ambience noise of a forest, this way you can trust the sound wont have bad wind noises in the microphone, the way the sound is heard also effect the way the whole thing as a piece.

3 Diegetic sound and copyright. This is the sound that is heard while filming, for example dialogue would be diegetic as the actors will be able to hear it. Diegetic sound is also ambience sounds, this could vary between natural and man made, so like a forest and a city. Copy right is this legal use of someone's song or noise, you can use an artists music if they have been dead 70 years or more as their contract with the production company has ran out. You can use free noises from royalty free website as no one owns it, this way there will be no chance of being sued for stealing someone's work. Fair use can be in order if you are only having abit of fun with a video that isn’t making much money. As long as you aren’t putting a bad name on the artist it is fine. Fair use is where you are only using the song as background noise for a video, but if the video was inappropriate this wouldn’t count.

4 A mix between non diegetic and diegetic In some cases these two can clash, for example: If we saw a radio that was playing music that sounded like it was playing in that scene out loud so the actors could hear, the music could then be made into background music for an scene that involved a lot of action.

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