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Refractory CMD Case 5 years of treatment, 3 years of “Hell”, 5 months of Torment; 4 days to basic comfort!!

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Presentation on theme: "Refractory CMD Case 5 years of treatment, 3 years of “Hell”, 5 months of Torment; 4 days to basic comfort!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Refractory CMD Case 5 years of treatment, 3 years of “Hell”, 5 months of Torment; 4 days to basic comfort!!

2 Presentation 5/21

3 Glued On Splint, Hygiene??

4 Splint Fractured, Failed Restoration

5 Splint Ends First Molar What’s This?

6 R

7 Lower Anterior with Splint Off

8 What is the Intent of Treatment? Extra Length, Molars in Occlusion, Would the resultant Vector distalize the Mandible?

9 Not Very Comfortable,

10 Old Splint Where is She Rubbing?

11 Incisal Ramp Is it A Little Big?

12 1 st Mark, Splint Rocks! What Is the Effect of A Rocking Splint?

13 What do you call this splint? What is the Basic Design? Is this a Tanner Splint? NO!!! Can we use it? If so, what is next step?

14 Reline And Re- surface PGA

15 1 st Adjustment

16 2 nd Adjustment

17 3 rd Adjustment - “Freedom”

18 3 day PO, Splint Great, Chewing with Teeth Bad

19 1 st Adjustment, Feels Good

20 4 th Day PO, “Cadillac” of Splints

21 First Smile in Months

22 4 th day PO, 1 st Adjustment Still Cannot Eat or Leave Splint Out

23 What is Next Check?

24 2+ Fremulous #8

25 Now What?? Allow her to feel motion Allow her to choose the affected tooth Ask permission to reshape a tooth Which one? #25, lower right incisor!!!

26 Is it the Bevel on #25, or the length?

27 Unposed photo’s, 4 days apart What is the real Effect??


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