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The next evolution of the federal forest payments Kevin Perkins EMPA Capstone June 15, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "The next evolution of the federal forest payments Kevin Perkins EMPA Capstone June 15, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 The next evolution of the federal forest payments Kevin Perkins EMPA Capstone June 15, 2013

2  Summary of the Problem, Background and Research question: Timber Payments & SRS Forest Payment Calculation  Methodology: Communities of Interest  Proposal: “Whole Forest Value Plan”  Findings: Enactment Challenge  Analysis: Counties as Change Agent  Acknowledgements


4  Average 3 highest annual payments  Update acres and PCPI for eligible counties  Calculate income adjustment from PCPI (County PCPI / Median PCPI for all counties)  Sum the acres and high 3 payments, determine median PCPI for all eligible counties  Calculate base share from acres and county share of average of highest 3 annual payments  Average of county proportion of acres and county proportion of highest 3  Calculate adjusted share: base share X income adjustment  Calculate payment: full funding amount X adjusted share  Apply allocation percentages to the county share of the State payment  Review the allocation requirements and guidelines in the Act and verify the county’s allocation  Apply the county allocation to the county share of the State payment for public schools and roads, title II special projects, title III county funds.

5 Timber Industry Environmental Interests Federal Legislators Federal Agencies Governor Conservative Commissioners Liberal Commissioners Oregon Residents

6 Base Tax Rate x Total Acreage Benton County: $2.21 x 84,000 = $185,640

7  Legislative?  Legal?  Economic? CULTURE

8 Counties Citizens Agency Congress Industry Conservatives Liberals

9 A big thank you to:  My cohort-an amazing group of courageous and dedicated people  Friends and family for tolerating my nearly two year effective absence  My supervisor and coworkers for the understanding and support  Faculty and staff for making this a defining experience in my life

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