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While there are many steps in the sale of an automobile, perhaps the most important – and most difficult to do well – is presenting the vehicle. During.

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Presentation on theme: "While there are many steps in the sale of an automobile, perhaps the most important – and most difficult to do well – is presenting the vehicle. During."— Presentation transcript:


2 While there are many steps in the sale of an automobile, perhaps the most important – and most difficult to do well – is presenting the vehicle. During the vehicle presentation, you must determine the customer’s needs and wants, select a vehicle that meets both and craft a presentation that allows the customer to experience how his/her needs and wants are met. In this course, you will learn the essential skills to help you develop a customized vehicle presentation, sell more vehicles and create customers for life. Introduction

3 Customers are different. Some come in knowing exactly what they want and you task is simply to write up the order. Other are less sure and look to you to help them find a vehicle that meets their needs. Others still are reluctant and distrustful – perhaps dragged into the dealership by a spouse or friend. You job in each case is to help them find a vehicle that meets their needs and present it to them in a convincing and persuasive manner. In this course, we will draw upon your previous sales experience and allow you to apply what you know to some complex situations. We will also introduce a suit of new skills to help you assist your customers in a more effective manner.

4 Let’s start with a scenario: A customer comes into your dealership, walks straight up to you and tells you he is interested in a Chrysler Sebring Cabrio and asks for a test drive. Let’s see how this plays out. Presenting the Vehicle

5 Customer: “Hi. I love this car! I’d like to take it for a ride then you can write me up!” Consultant: “Well, I’d be happy to. This is a great vehicle... What do you like about it the most?” Customer: “Everything! I love the way it looks... I love these line- things running down the side... I love the fact that I can drive around with the top down, and it looks like there’s plenty of room in the back for my kids” Consultant : “I agree, it is a great looking vehicle. How old are your kids? Customer: “One is four, the other just a year and a half – both girls, they mean the world to me” Presenting the Vehicle

6 Presenting the vehicle Consultant : “Kids are great at that age – do they every bring along anything on trips?” Customer: “Oh yeah, tons of stuff. Sally, she’s the little one, won’t go anywhere without her teddy – and then we’ve got all the typical toddler stuff too. And it seems Gloria packs here own suitcase whenever I tell here we’re going somewhere” Consultant : “Yeah, my kids are the same way, so I certainly know what you mean. Have you been looking at any other vehicles beside the Sebring?” Customer: “Just the Corolla. I don’t really like it all that much – it just looks so boring – but my husband is big on the whole quality thing and he thinks it would be a better investment.”

7 Presenting the vehicle Consultant : “So quality is important to your husband. Besides style and quality, what else are you two looking for in a vehicle?” Customer: “Like I said, styling is very important. But I also want something that just a little different, something fun to drive and cool be to seen in – I don’t want a car that looks like every other car in the parking lot. Consultant : “I also seems like interior room might be important – with Sally and Gloria, and all their stuff, in the back seat” Customer: “Definitely – and I want a car that’s safe. That’s another reason my husband is so keen on the Corolla.”

8 Presenting the vehicle Consultant : “Here... why don’t you climb in? I’ll get the keys in just a second, but let me show you a few features you might find interesting. Customer: “Sure... “ Consultant : “You mentioned that quality is important to your husband. Run your hand along the dash, just where the top and sides meet. See how tight the seem runs – perfectly straight and smooth. That’s a great indicator of fit and finish, a good way to tell how well the car is built. Did you know that in many respects, Chrysler does a better job at insuring the quality of their cars than Toyota?” Customer: “Well, no, I didn’t. My husband will be surprised.

9 Presenting the vehicle Consultant : “Here, lean over an pop that little switch on the center armrest.” Customer: “This? Cool. What is this?” Consultant : “ Well, it’s a couple of things. First, the entire center armrest slides back – almost completely into the back seat. This would be a great place to store sally and Gloria’s stuff – at least the smaller stuff. They can get at it when you want them to, but you can also close it up to keep everything neat and clean. I also has a built-in iPod cradle that automatically connects to the stereo. And look at all the little storage cubbies in the back, doors and in the dash. Plenty of room to keep everything for your kids.”

10 Presenting the vehicle Consultant : “I’ll go grab the keys. Just make yourself comfortable and I’ll be right back.” Customer: “ OK” Consultant(returning): “Here you go (handing keys over). Before we go, let’s put the top down so you can get the full cabrio experience. Just put the key in the ignition and press this button here (top goes down). Customer: “Om my gosh – I thought you had to do that by hand!” Consultant : “Nope, fully automatic – and it’s covered by the 60,000 mile, 6-year bumper-to- bumper warranty.

11 Presenting the vehicle Designers note: This dialogue will go on demonstrating the entire vehicle presentation from start to finish. Too much to recreate here, this this should convey the idea.

12 Presenting the vehicle Consultant: “Well, was it everything you expected? Would you like me to get one prepped for you?” Customer: “Please. Do you have one in silver with the limited package like this one has?” Consultant: “Yup – I just checked inventory shortly before you came in. We should have two, and one has the trim level you’re looking for. Let’s go inside and get you written up. Customer: “Cool. I can’t wait to get out on the road. Think I’ll take the long way home.”

13 Presenting the Vehicle Lessons Learned...  While most of you have experience conducting demonstration drives, it is important to remember that just because a customer is ready for a demonstration drive doesn’t mean that you are  For any vehicle presentation to be effective (and this includes the demonstration drive), it is essential that you understand the key buyer motivations of your customer

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