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+ Helpful Detention Carol Cramer Brooks National Center for Youth in Custody National Partnership for Juvenile Services Ph: (734)

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Presentation on theme: "+ Helpful Detention Carol Cramer Brooks National Center for Youth in Custody National Partnership for Juvenile Services Ph: (734)"— Presentation transcript:

1 + Helpful Detention Carol Cramer Brooks National Center for Youth in Custody National Partnership for Juvenile Services Ph: (734) 604-NCYC

2 + Process and Place Definition Process The actions taken by the court to provide care, custody, and restrictive supervision in a manner that matches the level of restrictiveness with the detention/supervision needs of the offender. Detention is a series of alternatives available within a Continuum of Services or Care. Place Commonly referred to as “secure detention”, detention as place is included in the process definition; The physical environment with varying levels of security, construction, hardware, and technology that produce the care and custody of youth.

3 + Controlling the Front Gates Through Informed Decision Making Under JDAI, the purpose of secure detention is: To prevent re-offending during the time the youth is waiting for his or her court appearance and adjudication. To ensure that a youth appears for his or her court date.

4 + Juvenile detention is the temporary and safe custody of juveniles who are accused of conduct subject to the jurisdiction of the court who require a restricted environment for their own or the community’s protection while pending legal action. Further, juvenile detention provides a wide range of helpful services that support the juvenile’s physical, emotional, and social development. Helpful services minimally include: education, visitation, communication, counseling, continuous supervision, medical and health care services, nutrition, recreation, and reading. Juvenile detention includes or provides for a system of clinical observation and assessment that complements the helpful services and report findings. National Juvenile Detention Association, 1989  Temporary Custody  Safe Custody  Restricted Environment  Community Protection  Pending Legal Action  Helpful Services  Clinical Observation and Assessment ACA themes for juvenile detention

5 + Inside the Walls: the function of detention Preventive Detention Therapeutic Detention Connective Detention Balanced Approach

6 + The most effective way to return a youth to a law-abiding life style is through healthy relationships with healthy adults in a healthy environment. Mission Statement NPJS Center for Research and Professional Development at Michigan State University Helpful Detention

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