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Nonviolence for Daily Living is a three session workshop focused on giving you the knowledge, skills, motivation and support to help you live more nonviolently.

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Presentation on theme: "Nonviolence for Daily Living is a three session workshop focused on giving you the knowledge, skills, motivation and support to help you live more nonviolently."— Presentation transcript:


2 Nonviolence for Daily Living is a three session workshop focused on giving you the knowledge, skills, motivation and support to help you live more nonviolently today thanyou did yesterday. Each session is one and half to two hours.

3 The workshop focuses on three areas:. Being nonviolent toward your self. Being nonviolent toward others. Being nonviolent toward Mother Earth

4 Workshops can be scheduled to meet the needs of an interested group. Some possible formats:. One night a week for three weeks. A weekend – Friday pm, Sat am and pm. One day- Morning/afternoon/evening

5 F Frank Thacker has been involved in peace and justice issues fof work for over 45 years. A retired clinical social worker, he is a certi he is a certified level two nonviolence trainer Mark Gordon is a web designer, organizer, author and formerc former Army Captain. He is a certified level one. nonviolence trainer.

6 It is our belief that nonviolence is one of the best ways to bring about a world of peace, justice and equity. It is also our belief that each of us can contribute a great deal to creating a culture of nonviolence by seeking to live our daily lives in a nonviolent way. We are called to be a person of nonviolence We need to become the change we wish to see.

7 . Dialogue. Role playing. Discussion. Videos. Small groups. Teachings. Group interaction. Exercises Sessions focus on active participation, group interaction, and learning by doing

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