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Human Rights Issues in Africa. Human Rights Fundamental rights that every person is allowed simply because they are human beings These rights are expected.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Rights Issues in Africa. Human Rights Fundamental rights that every person is allowed simply because they are human beings These rights are expected."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Rights Issues in Africa

2 Human Rights Fundamental rights that every person is allowed simply because they are human beings These rights are expected to allowed for all humans in any country, on any continent, and under any government These rights include: –Right to life –Freedom from torture –Freedom from slavery –Right to a fair trial –Right of speech –Freedom of thought, conscience, religion

3 Human Rights continued…. In Africa in general, human rights are reported to be very poor and is a grave concern to the UN. (United Nations) –This is due to: political instability Only 13 of 53 countries are considered having a true democratic government Large areas of desert/rain forest/uninhabited land that is not easily patrolled by military or police

4 In Uganda: Invisible Children –In Uganda, children are regularly abducted by the Lord’s Resistance Army (or LRA) and forced to fight in a bloody civil war between the LRA and the Uganda People’s Defense Force (UPDF) that has been raging since the 1980’s –It is estimated that some 10,000 + children have been forced to fight in Uganda, often placed at the front lines of individual battles –This has decimated the economy and caused the affected areas to be unable to be developed

5 South Africa Apartheid –Separation of people where the minority of white Africans ruled over the majority of black Africans –Black Africans could earn more money or favors if they were well liked splitting even the black Africans into groups –These separations led to internal resistance, uprisings, protests, and violence Nelson Mandela dies in 2013

6 Diamond Trade United Nations is trying to stop the trade of so-called Blood Diamonds(movie) also known as conflict diamonds The Kimberly Process is an international organization of countries who are against conflict diamond trade. Zimbabwe had been suspended from the organization but had not been accused of producing conflict diamonds Conflict“Blood”diamonds are diamonds that are gathered by people who are forced to work, killed if they do not work or do not gather enough diamonds in a single day Angola, Liberia, Sierra Leone Central African Republic, Cote d’Ivoire Democratic Republic of the Congo The Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe

7 Malnutrition all over Africa According to the World Health Organization, malnutrition “plays a major role in half of all under-five deaths each year in developing countries.” Malnutrition can also cause brain damage, blindness and increased risk of infection. Moreover, parents who are malnourished cannot provide or care for their children, and are more likely to sell them as laborers or worse. Worldwide, one billion children live in poverty, without adequate food, shelter, water, protection, health care and/or access to education

8 Terrorism in the Sahel Region is so poor it doesn’t have the necessary resources needed to fight terroristic activity Many countries believe that the USA needs to play a supporting role and not a leadership role in the problem. The USA has provided trucks, communication equipment and training courses for the Malian Army

9 Diseases Malaria….disease carried by mosquitos …90% of all deaths from this disease occur in Sub-Sahara Africa…malaria parasites start to multiply within red blood cells, causing symptoms that include fever, and headache. In severe cases the disease worsens leading to hallucinations, coma, and death. HIV and Aids…2/3 of all people in Sub-Sahara Africa have either HIV or Aids Ebola Virus…out of 318 cases 288 of them died Attacks the walls of your blood vessels Causing you to bleed internally

10 Population Africa is gripped by one of the greatest population explosions ever recorded Past 60 years birth rates in the rest of the worlds developing countries have declined by 1/2, While Africa’s has quadrupled to one billion ½ of African people are 15 and younger Older children are sent away to cities to fend for themselves so that their families have fewer children to feed and house Due to social pressures, poor health care and level of education

11 Poor Children Live in slums Do not have: –Toilets –Clean water –Shelter –1 good meal a day –Schooling –Good hygiene 60% unemployment rate of parents means many children go with out shoes and proper clothing

12 Wealth can be found in Africa… Nigeria

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