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Constellations What is a constellation?. A constellation is a pattern or group of stars in the sky. Many ancient peoples (like the Greeks) saw constellations.

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Presentation on theme: "Constellations What is a constellation?. A constellation is a pattern or group of stars in the sky. Many ancient peoples (like the Greeks) saw constellations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Constellations What is a constellation?

2 A constellation is a pattern or group of stars in the sky. Many ancient peoples (like the Greeks) saw constellations as outlines of objects, mythological characters, or animals. Few constellations really resemble what they represent. The sky is divided up into 88 constellations.

3 What is a star?

4 A star is a burning sphere of gases. Did you know? The sun is also a star.

5 Who can name a constellation? Has anyone ever seen any of these constellations in the night sky?

6 What is a hemisphere?

7 A hemisphere is one of the halves of the earth divided by the equator into northern and southern parts.

8 What is a myth?

9 A myth is a story with a purpose. It tries to explain the way the world is. Myths also try to explain the relationship between gods and humans. Even though the events in a myth are usually impossible, they try to send a message that has an important social or religious meaning. People have always tried to figure out common questions like who made the universe or questions like what causes a storm. Religion, gods, and myths were created when people tried to make sense out of these questions. For early people myths were like science because they explain how things work. They also explained other questions that are now answered through modern science.

10 Does anyone know a myth that explains any of the constellations?

11 Orion



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