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Policies principles and structure for the management of Environment M Mukti Ram Acharya Executive officer Minisrty of Local Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Policies principles and structure for the management of Environment M Mukti Ram Acharya Executive officer Minisrty of Local Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Policies principles and structure for the management of Environment M Mukti Ram Acharya Executive officer Minisrty of Local Development

2 Provision of constitution To survive at clean environment is each persons right ( fundamental right, part 3 article 16) To survive at clean environment is each persons right ( fundamental right, part 3 article 16) State should perform necessary management to keep clean and hygiene Environment. Increasing public awareness,the state should priorities to conserve endangered species,minimize environmental effects due to infrastructural development, forest, bio diversity and sustainable development. State should perform necessary management to keep clean and hygiene Environment. Increasing public awareness,the state should priorities to conserve endangered species,minimize environmental effects due to infrastructural development, forest, bio diversity and sustainable development. Manage equal distribution of the generating benefit Manage equal distribution of the generating benefit

3 Institutional situation for the management of environment Environment protection council chaired by prime minister Environment protection council chaired by prime minister Ministry of Environment Ministry of Environment Ministry of Local development Ministry of Local development Ministry of health Ministry of health Ministry of Industry and commerce Ministry of Industry and commerce Ministry of housing and physical planning Ministry of housing and physical planning

4 Contd. ……. Ministry of Forest Ministry of Forest Ministry of Science and Technology Ministry of Science and Technology Solid waste management and resource management centre Solid waste management and resource management centre Local bodies( District development committee, Municipality. Village development committee ) Local bodies( District development committee, Municipality. Village development committee )

5 Legislation for the management and protection of Environment Environment protection Act,1997 Environment protection Act,1997 Environment protection regulation 1997 Environment protection regulation 1997 Local self Governance Act,1999 Local self Governance Act,1999 Local self Governance Regulation 1999 Local self Governance Regulation 1999 Forest Act,1993 and Regulation,1995 Forest Act,1993 and Regulation,1995 Land Acquisition Act,1977 and Regulation Land Acquisition Act,1977 and Regulation National Parks and wildlife conservation Act,1973 National Parks and wildlife conservation Act,1973

6 Cont. Water Resource Act,1992and Regulation 1993 Water Resource Act,1992and Regulation 1993 Industrial Enterprise Act 1981 Industrial Enterprise Act 1981 Nepal water supply corporation Act 1989 Nepal water supply corporation Act 1989 Local infrastructure development policy 2004 Local infrastructure development policy 2004 Town Development Act,1988 Town Development Act,1988 Solid waste management and resource mobilization Act, 1987( process on amendment ) Solid waste management and resource mobilization Act, 1987( process on amendment ) Nepal Factory and Factory workers Act,1960 Nepal Factory and Factory workers Act,1960 Savari Act 1963, Savari Act 1963,

7 Cont. Public Road Act,1974 Public Road Act,1974 National Transport Management Act,1969 National Transport Management Act,1969 Town planning Implementation committee Act,1973 Town planning Implementation committee Act,1973 Some policies under Act and regulation Some policies under Act and regulation

8 National policy Mobilization of private sector Mobilization of private sector Public participation Public participation Waste as a resource Waste as a resource Set standard for pollution control Set standard for pollution control Mobilization of local bodies Mobilization of local bodies Increase public awareness Increase public awareness Enabling local bodies to minimize pollution Enabling local bodies to minimize pollution

9 Contd. Adopt of appropriate technology Adopt of appropriate technology

10 Principle of waste management Principle of polluters pay Principle of polluters pay Principle of producer’s responsibility Principle of producer’s responsibility Principle of sustainability Principle of sustainability Principle of Zero waste 3 R(Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ) Principle of Zero waste 3 R(Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ) Principle of pay as you throw Principle of pay as you throw Principle of precaution Principle of precaution Principle of best practicable environment option (BPEO) Principle of best practicable environment option (BPEO)

11 Some Issues poor implementation of act rules regulations and programme poor implementation of act rules regulations and programme contradiction between sectoral act and regulations( like forest act and LSGA contradiction between sectoral act and regulations( like forest act and LSGA Lack of institutional capacity to cope the problem Lack of institutional capacity to cope the problem Lack of skilled human resource Lack of skilled human resource Lack of appropriate technology on environment Lack of appropriate technology on environment Lack of coordination between executing agencies Lack of coordination between executing agencies Lack of political commitment on execution of policies Lack of political commitment on execution of policies

12 Contd. Priority on basic development rather than environmental issues Priority on basic development rather than environmental issues Lack of adequate investment on the sector Lack of adequate investment on the sector Lack of technical skill in policy as well as execution level Lack of technical skill in policy as well as execution level Ineffective monitoring and evaluation of the project. Ineffective monitoring and evaluation of the project. Environmental parameters are not set in sectoral basis Environmental parameters are not set in sectoral basis Political instability Political instability

13 M kmf]x/d}nf Joj:yfkg ;DaGwL ;+a}wfgLs Joj:yf M kmf]x/d}nf Joj:yfkg ;DaGwL ;+a}wfgLs Joj:yf M jftfj/0fLo clwsf/ df}lns xssf] ?kdf M jftfj/0fLo clwsf/ df}lns xssf] ?kdf M  g]kfnsf] cGtl/d ;+ljwfg, @)^# sf] Wff/f !^ M jftfj/0f tyf :jf:Yo ;DaGwL xs M -!_ k|To]s JolQmnfO{ :jR5 jftfj/0fdf afFRg] xs x'g]5 -!_ k|T o]s JolQmnfO{ :jR5 jftfj/0fdf afFRg] xs x'g]5

14 SWM system bank of the Bagmati River

15 kmf]x/d}nf Joj:yfkg /fli6«o gLlt, @)%# M p2]Zox¿ M  ;/n / k|efjsf/L kmf]x/d}nf Joj:yfkg ;DaGwL sfo{ ug]{  kmf]x/d}nfsf] sf/0f ;[hgf x"'g] jftfj/0f k|b"if0f / o;sf] sf/0fn] ;j{;fwf/0fsf] :jf:Yodf kg]{ k|lts"n k|efjnfO{ sd ug]{  kmf]x/d}nfnfO{ ;|f]tsf] ?kdf kl/rfng ug]{  kmf]x/d}nf Joj:yfkg ;DaGwL sfo{df lghL If]qnfO{ kl/rfng ug]{  ;/;kmfO{ ;DaGwL sfo{df hg;xeflutf kl/rfng ug]{

16 /fli6«o kmf]x/d}nf Joj:yfkg gLlt, @)%# M gLltx¿ M  ;/;kmfO{ ;DaGwL ;]jf s'zn / k|efjsf/L ?kdf k|jfx ug{ :yfgLo lgsfox¿nfO{ ;jn agfpg]  kmf]x/d}nf Joj:yfkgdf lghL If]qsf] ;+nUgtf u/fpg]  kmf]x/d}nf Joj:yfkg ;Da4 r]tgf hg:t/df a9fpg]  kmf]x/d}nf Joj:yfkg ug{ pko'Qm k|ljlw ckgfpg]  kmf]x/d}nfsf] clGtd Joj:yfkg ug{ To:tf :yfgx¿sf] ljsf; ug]{  kmf]x/nfO{ ;|f]tsf] ?kdf k'g Mk|of]u ug]{  kmf]x/ Joj:yfkgnfO{ :jwfl/t (Self-sustain) agfpg]  kmf]x/d}nf Joj:yfkg sfo{sf ljleGg txx¿nfO{ qmdzM lghLs/0f ub}{ hfg]  :yfgLo lgsfox¿af6 ;/;kmfO ;DaGwL sfo{ ;+rfng ug]{  Go"g kmf]x/d}nf lgisfzg ug]{ dfkb08x¿ lgdf{0f ug]{  hg;xeflutf kl/rfng ug]{

17 /fli6«o kmf]x/d}nf Joj:yfkg gLlt M qmdz====== /0fgLlt M ;j{;fwf/0fsf] ;xeflutf ;j{;fwf/0fsf] ;xeflutf ;/;kmfO{sf] If]qdf ljBfyL{, dlxnf, o'jf / cGo ;d"x jLrdf ;r]tgf a9fpg j[xt :t/df k|j4{gfTds sfo{ ug]{ ;/;kmfO{sf] If]qdf ljBfyL{, dlxnf, o'jf / cGo ;d"x jLrdf ;r]tgf a9fpg j[xt :t/df k|j4{gfTds sfo{ ug]{ u}=;=;+ x¿nfO{ ;/;kmfO{ cleofg h:tf sfo{x¿ ug{ k|f]T;flxt ug]{ u}=;=;+ x¿nfO{ ;/;kmfO{ cleofg h:tf sfo{x¿ ug{ k|f]T;flxt ug]{ kmf]x/d}nf ;DaGwL cfjZosLo ljifox¿ ljBfno:t/ / cgf}krfl/s lzIffsf] kf7\oqmddf ;dfj]z ug]{. kmf]x/d}nf ;DaGwL cfjZosLo ljifox¿ ljBfno:t/ / cgf}krfl/s lzIffsf] kf7\oqmddf ;dfj]z ug]{. kmf]x/d}nf Joj:yfkgsf] k|efjsf/L Joj:yfkg geP o;sf] hg:jf:Yodf kg]{ k|lts"n k|efj af/] hg;fwf/0f b]lv gLlt lgdf{tf ;DdnfO{ hfgsf/L lbg cfd ;+rf/df dfWodx¿sf] pkof]u ug]{ kmf]x/d}nf Joj:yfkgsf] k|efjsf/L Joj:yfkg geP o;sf] hg:jf:Yodf kg]{ k|lts"n k|efj af/] hg;fwf/0f b]lv gLlt lgdf{tf ;DdnfO{ hfgsf/L lbg cfd ;+rf/df dfWodx¿sf] pkof]u ug]{ Hfg;fwf/0fx¿sf] ;/;kmfO{ k|lt ;r]tgf a9fpg ;]ldgf/, uf]li7, tflnd sfo{qmd ;~rfng ug]{ Hfg;fwf/0fx¿sf] ;/;kmfO{ k|lt ;r]tgf a9fpg ;]ldgf/, uf]li7, tflnd sfo{qmd ;~rfng ug]{

18 /fli6«o kmf]x/d}nf Joj:yfkg gLlt M qmdz====== Kf|ljlwsf] ljsf; M  :yfgLo ;|f]t ;fwgnfO{ pkof]u u/L ;/;kmfO{nfO{ Joj:yfkg ug{ ;Sg] k|ljlwsf] ljsf; ug]{  Go"gtd jftfj/0fLo k|b"if0f ug]{ vfnsf kmf]x/d}nfsf] k|s[lt cg';f/sf Joj:yfkg ug]{ k|ljlwsf] pkof]u ug]{  k|To]s 3/kl/jf/, cfjf; If]qx¿ / Jofkfl/s If]qx¿af6 pTkflbt kmf]x/nfO{ k'gM k|of]u ug]{ ;/n k|ljlwsf] ljsf; u/L pTkflbt kmf]x/sf] dfqf sd ug]{

19 /fli6«o kmf]x/d}nf Joj:yfkg gLlt, @)%# M gLltx¿ M  ;/;kmfO{ ;DaGwL ;]jf s'zn / k|efjsf/L ?kdf k|jfx ug{ :yfgLo lgsfox¿nfO{ ;jn agfpg]  kmf]x/d}nf Joj:yfkgdf lghL If]qsf] ;+nUgtf u/fpg]  kmf]x/d}nf Joj:yfkg ;Da4 r]tgf hg:t/df a9fpg]  kmf]x/d}nf Joj:yfkg ug{ pko'Qm k|ljlw ckgfpg]  kmf]x/d}nfsf] clGtd Joj:yfkg ug{ To:tf :yfgx¿sf] ljsf; ug]{  kmf]x/nfO{ ;|f]tsf] ?kdf k'g Mk|of]u ug]{  kmf]x/ Joj:yfkgnfO{ :jwfl/t (Self-sustain) agfpg]  kmf]x/d}nf Joj:yfkg sfo{sf ljleGg txx¿nfO{ qmdzM lghLs/0f ub}{ hfg]  :yfgLo lgsfox¿af6 ;/;kmfO ;DaGwL sfo{ ;+rfng ug]{  Go"g kmf]x/d}nf lgisfzg ug]{ dfkb08x¿ lgdf{0f ug]{  hg;xeflutf kl/rfng ug]{

20 tLg jifL{o cGtl/d of]hgfdf jftfj/0f M Jfftfj/0f If]qsf ;d:of tyf r'gf}tLx?nfO{ ;fdgf ug{ o;sf] Joj:yfkgnfO{ k|efjsf/L agfO{ :j:y jftfj/0f sfod ug{ / k|fs[lts >f]t tyf ;fwgsf] a'l4dtfk"0f{ k|of]uåf/f lbuf] ljsf; xfl;n ug{ Pjd\ lj1fg k|ljlw If]qsf] ljsf; / pkof]uåf/f g]kfnL hgtfsf] hLjg:t/ psf:g lgDgfg';f/sf k|d'v gLltx? cjnDag ul/g]5g\ M Jfftfj/0f If]qsf ;d:of tyf r'gf}tLx?nfO{ ;fdgf ug{ o;sf] Joj:yfkgnfO{ k|efjsf/L agfO{ :j:y jftfj/0f sfod ug{ / k|fs[lts >f]t tyf ;fwgsf] a'l4dtfk"0f{ k|of]uåf/f lbuf] ljsf; xfl;n ug{ Pjd\ lj1fg k|ljlw If]qsf] ljsf; / pkof]uåf/f g]kfnL hgtfsf] hLjg:t/ psf:g lgDgfg';f/sf k|d'v gLltx? cjnDag ul/g]5g\ M

21 ltg alif{o cGtld of]hgf=======  lj1fg tyf k|ljlwsf] ljsf;, ;'wf/ tyf k|of]uåf/f g]kfnL hgtfsf] hLjg:t/ pTyfg ug]{, jftfj/0fsf] ;+/If0f / cfly{s ljsf;sf] cGt/;DaGwaf6} lbuf] ljsf; xfl;n x'g] tYonfO{ Wofgdf /fvL k|fs[lts jftfj/0fsf] ;+/If0f, k'g:yf{kg / j'l4dQfk"0f{ pkof]udf hf]8 lbb} jftfj/0fLo k|b'if0f Go"gLs/0fsf pkfox? ckgfOg]5.  jftfj/0f Joj:yfkgsf sfo{x? :yfgLo lgsfox?af6 sfof{Gjog ug{ hf]8 lbOg]5.

22 ltg alif{o cGtl/d of]hgfdf kmf]x/d}nf Aoj:yfkg M nIf M Kfmf]x/d}nf Aoj:yfkgsf If]qdf kmf]x/ ;+sng, 9'jfgL, k'gM k|of]u cflb kIfx?df :yfgLo lgsfosf] g]t[Tjdf lglh If]q ;d]t nfO{ ;+nUg u/L a}1fgLs 9+un] clGtd lgisfifg ul/g] 5.

23 s[ofSnfk M != :ofgL6/L NofG8kmLn ;fO6sf] la:t[t cWoog —%) g=kf= @= NofG8kmLn ;fO{6 sf] lgdf{0f —g=kf sf] dfu cg';./ #= Aojl:yt ?kdf kmf]x/ lgisfzg ug{ laleGg hgr]tgf / cled'lvs/0f sfo{qmd ;+rfng — ;a} g=kf= tyf g= p= uf=la=; x? $= NofG8kmLn ;fO{6sf] k|a]z dfu{ lgdf{0f— !=@ sL=dL= %= NofG8kmLn ;fO{6sf] lgdf{0f —!$ x]=

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