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Vision and Mission Lynn W. Fulton, Ed. D. School Transformation Coach

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Presentation on theme: "Vision and Mission Lynn W. Fulton, Ed. D. School Transformation Coach"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vision and Mission Lynn W. Fulton, Ed. D. School Transformation Coach

2 Overview: Purpose Tools Ideal School Process System Vision Mission Structures Core Beliefs

3 The Essential Role of Vision The academic achievement of all students is due in large measure to the vision held among ALL stakeholders based on common values and beliefs. (Dolar, 2008; Jones, 2006; Moore, 2005)

4 Activity # 1: Vision Reflection

5 Vision & Mission Role of teachers & parents Role of public education Children & learning Core Beliefs

6 What does the school/district wish to become? Our vision expresses values and beliefs about what our school community considers to be of real importance in education

7 “A shared vision is not an idea…it is rather, a force in people’s hearts…at its simplest level, a shared vision is the answer to the question ‘What do we want to create?’” Pete Senge

8 Education/Success for All???  What?  What happens if they don’t?  Who?  How much?  When will we know they have learned?

9 CORE BELIEFS "If we believe all kids can learn, how do we respond when they don't?" 1.We Believe All Kids Can Learn Based On Their Ability. 2. We Believe All Kids Can Learn If They Take Advantage Of The Opportunity To Learn. 3. We Believe All Kids Can Learn And We Will Accept Responsibility For Ensuring Their Growth. 4. We Believe All Kids Can Learn And We Will Establish High Standards Of Learning That We Expect All Students To Achieve. Be clear about, 'What do we believe in? and be equally clear about... 'How do you translate your beliefs into actions?' Bowring Carr and Burnham West

10 Vision: Time: Talks about the organization's future Function: It lists where the organization sees itself some years from now. For employees, it gives direction about how they are expected to behave and inspires them to give their best. It shapes customers' understanding of why they should work with the organization. About: Outlines where an organization wants to be. Communicates both the purpose and values of the organization

11 Vision … Start with the end in mind Leads to a transformation of systems & structures Specific, clear, shared ownership, buy-in Relevant, inclusive, transparent Consistent vs. Uniform CORE BELIEFS

12 Examples: A clear vision serves as a filter for the daily decisions staff members must make. “All decisions will benefit all involved stakeholders fairly and equitably.” How do I address Ms. Smith’s continual tardies? How will we address behavioral expectations? How will we address test scores? How can I get Billy engaged?

13 Our vision drives every process and all behaviors in our school. teaching learning staff development monitoring assessment budget climate

14 Activity # 4: Clarifying your Vision Working on changing this – will edit and resend.

15 From Vision to MISSION CORE BELIEFS Vision Mission

16 Shared Mission: What you Focus on EXPANDS!

17 Mission Statement A mission statement is the “how to” or action plan that helps a school achieve their vision. Plainly stated… What are we willing to do to get there???

18 Holding one another accountable… For these are ALL our children, we shall profit from or pay for whatever they become. James Baldwin

19 Comparing Vision with Mission


21 Our School’s Mission

22 Activity # 7: Clarifying your Mission Reworking this activity – will edit and resend.

23 So WHAT? We have a great Shared VISION and Mission…..

24 Classrooms Carpool PTA meetings Playground Staff meetings SuspensionsRetention PLCCafeteriaHomework Hallways

25 To realize a school's vision and mission, the school’s stakeholders must model his/her school's beliefs, values, and collective commitments while demonstrating enthusiasm for what will come next.

26 HOW????  Operationalize the school’s vision and mission.  to put something to use, into action, or into operation VisionMission Plan of Action

27 Purpose Tools Ideal School Process System Vision Mission Structures Core Beliefs

28 Lynn W. Fulton, Ed.D. North Carolina Department of Public Instruction District and School Transformation (910) 617-1611

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